© 1998 Marvin Bartel, Instructor |
Field Trip Assignment for Photography |
One copy of this page may be printed for personal use by Goshen College photography students. Others must obtain permission from the copyright holder for any use. e-mal: marvinpb@goshen.edu |
Step 2.
Select two works. They should be from
different photographers. Select works that are typical and represent strong
work of each photographer.
Step 3.
Document the two photographs. Give the
photographer's names, nationality, gender, ethnic or social/cultural group,
If available, give the photographer's education and major achievements.
Step 4.
Describe the two works objectively and
factually. Add small sketches with the dark tone darkened in your sketches.
Interpret the two works. Speculate on the meaning and symbolism of the photographs. Compare the reasons you believe the photographs were made. What does each photograph have to say or imply about the work of other photographers? In what ways might the photographer hope to have an effect on the viewers of the work. How do you think viewers would respond to the work? How does the work make the viewer feel?
Step 6. Your creative response
Describe an idea for a photograph you
could make on campus or in Goshen. It should not mimic the content nor
composition of either of the photographs you have studied. However, it
should be inspired by your beleifs and interests in some way similar to
the way the photos you studied probably were driven by those photographers
personal beliefs and interests.
Add a sketch and/or a diagram to clarify your idea. This photograph may be made, but you are not required to actually produce this idea.
Links to exhibit descriptions:
Kenneth Josephson:
A Retrospective
Skrebneski Photographs
Also watch for additional information by e-mail related to the Museum
of Contemporaty Photography at Columbia College.