Drafting and Design
May: 2001, Marvin Bartel, inst., Goshen College
Posted April 29, 1999

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Web Site Links for Drafting and Design

The Wharton Esherick Studio
Excerpt from Esherick's page, "Many who came to his studio intending to buy a painting, left with a chair or table, or commissioned him to create entire rooms or interiors. He is best known for his sculptural furniture and furnishings, for which he has been called the dean of American craftsmen."

Essay and work by philosopher/furniture maker, David Orth, Oak Park, Illinios

David Orth's web pages with extensive photo gallery of his unique one-of-a-kind work.

The Furniture Society
Survey of North American Contemporary Furniture , July 10-September 14, 1997
Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase, NY

The Frank Lloyd Wright house and studio in Oak Park, Illinios
This is Wright's first home designed and built when he was 22 years old.

A link to other Frank Lloyd Wright houses in the area

A site offering to let you use Internet simulation to "walk through" models of Frank Lloyd Wright buildings.

© Marvin Bartel, all rights reserved
Goshen College students may print this page for their own use. For permission to print, reproduce, or place this page on your site, e-mail: marvinpb@goshen.edu
Marvin Bartel, Ed.D., Professor of Art
Goshen College, 1700 South Main St., Goshen IN 46526
fax: 219-535-7660

| Drafting and Design Course Home | new Drafting and Design Syllabus | new Assignments
| new Teamwork | new Drafting Hints | Design Ethics |  House Design Syllabus
| Preparing for Tests | Prices of materials | Soapdish Assignment | Journaling |
| Design concepts & Drafting Standards | Websites to see
| Time Saving Acad Hints | Answers to Questions | The Secret Purpose of Craft |
| Goshen College Art Department | Bartelart.com | Prices of Materials |
| Marvin Bartel Courses | Marvin Bartel Home | Bartel Artwork |