ART or NASI 214:
May: 2001, Marvin Bartel, inst., Goshen College Posted April 29, 1999 |
| Drafting and Design Course Home | new Drafting and Design Syllabus | new Assignments | new Teamwork | new Drafting Hints | Design Ethics | House Design Syllabus | Preparing for Tests | Prices of materials | Soapdish Assignment | Journaling | | Design concepts & Drafting Standards | Websites to see | Time Saving Acad Hints | Answers to Questions | The Secret Purpose of Craft | | Goshen College Art Department | Bartelart.com | Prices of Materials | | Marvin Bartel Courses | Marvin Bartel Home | Bartel Artwork | Web Site Links for Drafting and Design
The Wharton Esherick Studio
Essay and work by philosopher/furniture maker, David Orth, Oak Park, Illinios David Orth's web pages with extensive photo gallery of his unique one-of-a-kind work.
The Furniture Society
The Frank Lloyd Wright house
and studio in Oak Park, Illinios
link to other Frank Lloyd Wright houses in the area
A site offering to let you use
simulation to "walk through" models
of Frank Lloyd Wright buildings.
© Marvin Bartel, all rights reserved
Goshen College students may print this page for their own use. For permission
to print, reproduce, or place this page on your site, e-mail: marvinpb@goshen.edu
Marvin Bartel, Ed.D., Professor of Art Goshen College, 1700 South Main St., Goshen IN 46526 fax: 219-535-7660 | Drafting and Design Course Home | new Drafting and Design Syllabus | new Assignments | new Teamwork | new Drafting Hints | Design Ethics | House Design Syllabus | Preparing for Tests | Prices of materials | Soapdish Assignment | Journaling | | Design concepts & Drafting Standards | Websites to see | Time Saving Acad Hints | Answers to Questions | The Secret Purpose of Craft | | Goshen College Art Department | Bartelart.com | Prices of Materials | | Marvin Bartel Courses | Marvin Bartel Home | Bartel Artwork | |