Goshen College

May update from the Presidential Search Committee

With anticipation high, it is necessary to provide an update to clarify expectations and next steps. We had hoped to make the announcement of a new presidential candidate of choice before May Term was over. We now expect that to be in early June.

We understand this means fewer of you will be on campus when the announcement is made and when the candidate of choice will visit. This is unfortunate, but necessary for our best work to take place. Hopefully many of you can return at that time, but we will also work to make sure there are representative groups of students, employees and other stakeholders available to interact with the candidate of choice during that visit.

We remain committed to making an announcement as soon as possible. We have been feeling your prayers and are most grateful. Please keep them coming!

As always, to view the latest updates from the search committee, visit the official Presidential Search website. And feel free to contact the Goshen College Presidential Search Committee at GCSearch@MennoniteEducation.org.

On behalf of the committee, thank you,

Faith Penner (Chair, Goshen College Presidential Search Committee)
Carlos Romero (Executive Director, Mennonite Education Agency)