Our Faith Identity
Goshen College is affiliated with Mennonite Church USA.
At Goshen College we intend to create a community of faith and learning built on five core values: Christ-centeredness, passionate learning, servant leadership, compassionate peacemaking and global citizenship.
That sense of a caring community extends to our residence halls, classrooms, weekly chapels and convocations, as well as the friendships we form among students and faculty. We provide opportunities for worship and faith formation in a variety of settings and styles and our students connect to local faith communities and congregations of many types. We aim to provide opportunities for students, faculty and staff to explore and discuss faith and spiritual formation together.
Our Christian community embraces diversity. This is a learning community that serves people from many faith traditions, cultures, nationalities and backgrounds. Goshen College is home to students from many different faith traditions and religious groups, as well as students who don’t identify with any faith tradition. Our faith calls us to learn about others, regardless of national borders or ideological differences. Only through understanding can we truly begin to make peace.
Who are the Mennonites?
Mennonite Church USA is a historic Anabaptist peace church, along with the Church of the Brethren and Quakers. For hundreds of years, Mennonites have believed that following Jesus includes nonviolent peacemaking, simplicity, community and service to others throughout the world. From worldwide relations to our interpersonal relationships, we work for peace, justice and reconciliation at every level.
Some confuse Mennonites with our historical and theological cousins, the Amish, but you won’t typically see any buggies or bonnets on our campus.