The Gondoliers, March, 2009
The Gondoliers
The Gondoliers offers a comic portrayal of romance and politics intermingling the working class of 1950’s Venice and the nobility of far off Spain.
Act 1 opens with the contadine (peasant women) awaiting the arrival of the gondoliers (working class men) so they can exchange their expressions of love. Their romantic festivities are interrupted with the declaration that one of the gondoliers is actually the long lost King of Barataria (an island off the coast of Spain). The only problem: which gondolier?
Act 2 transports the men to Barataria where they set up an ideal kingdom based on equality of all. Once again their festivities are interrupted by the contadine who’ve braved the seas to join the men. Before life can return to a sense of normalcy, the matter of the long lost king’s identity must be settled. Only one person, the woman who nursed the king as an infant, can expose the truth!
The production will run approximately 2 1/2 hours with one intermission. It is directed by Doug Liechty Caskey with Music Director, Debra Brubaker, choreography by Talashia Keim Yoder and conducted by Gregg Thaller.
Performance dates and times are as follows:
Friday, March 27 at 8 p.m.
Saturday, March 28 at 8 p.m.
Sunday, March 29 at 3 p.m.
Saturday, April 4 at 8 p.m.
Sunday, April 5 at 3 p.m.

The Gondoliers
The Duke Adriel Santiago
The Duchess Emily Swora
Casilda Allison Yoder
Luiz Jay Mast
Don Alhambra Aaron Kaufmann
Marcos Palmieri Daniel Driver
Giuseppe Palmieri Martin Brubaker
Gianetta Carrie Rivera
Tessa Dara Jay Jaworowicz
Inez Emily Bowman
Antonio Clayton Miller
Francesco Clayton Matthews
Giorgio Zach Clouse
Annibale Josh Hofer
Fiametta Stephanie Hollenberg
Vittoria Andrea Detweiler
Giulia Lisa Horst
Chorus Alisha Bender
Josh Delp
Vanessa Hershberger
Molly Kellogg
Stefan Kuhns
Kristina Mast
Rachel Nafzinger
Logan Simensen
Deane Uptegrove
Adrienne Yoder
Jenna Grubaugh
Carolyn Stigge
Leslee Smucker
Elspeth Stalter
Rachel Yoder
Greta Breckbill
Breanna Nickel
Emily Hershberger
Laura Kraybill
Lisa Weaver
Tori Yoder
Leah Roth
Lyn Buschert
Karen Braden
Maria Byler
Elena Histand
Alysha Landis
Sarah Lerch
Lisa Caskey
Mark Massey
Tyler Falk
Andy Braden
Allen Shenk
Leah Thill
Derek Zook
James Green
Glenn Gilbert
Peter Miller
Isaac Lederach
David Kempf
Joshua Tyson
Ben Baugartner
Production Team
Director Doug Liechty Caskey
Music Director Debra Brubaker
Choreographer Talashia Keim Yoder
Producer Michelle Milne
Orchestra Conductor Gregg Thaller
Technical Director Jerry Peters
Stage Manager Andrew Gunden Landis
Set Designer Nick Loewen
Props Designer Nick Loewen
Lighting Designer Grace Magnan
Costume Designer Adrienne Nesbitt
Make up Designer Patrick Ressler
Hair Designer Angelica Lehman
Dramaturg Patrick Maxwell
Assistant Stage Manager Beth Glick
Assistant Costume Designer Lauren King
Vocal Coaches Scott Hochstetler, Tami Jantzi
Rehearsal Accompanists Beverly Lapp, Christine Seitz
Voice Instructors Debra Brubaker, Lee Dengler, Susan Dengler, Scott Hochstetler
Dance Captain Jenna Grubaugh
Assistant Dance Captain Jay Mast
Master Carpenters Matt Harms, Ben Jacobs
Set Construction Matt Donat
Master Electrician Alison Brookins, Grace Magnan
Wardrobe Manager Angie Noah
Props Manager Ellen McCrae
Dressers Chet Franklin, Kelly Frey, Angelica Lehman, Lorena Morales, Jheny Nieto, Patrick Ressler
Props Crew Brittany Lentz, Angie Noahn, Jared Kaser Odor
Light Board Operator Hannah Canaviri
Run Crew Brittany Lentz, Jared Kaser Odor
Administrative Assistant Dustin George-Miller
Production Assistant Sandy Slabaugh
House Manager Mark Hershberger, Suzanne Miller, Hillary Watson
Graphic Design Tim Blaum
Publicity Jodi Beyeler, Kristina Mast
Advance Ticket Sales Lisa Weaver