Kinesiology Internships
The Kinesiology Department requires each student to complete a three credit hour internship in their senior year. Internship placements vary widely as students can choose the focus and location of the internship, often specifically related to his/her career interest. The college supervisor and the senior work together to select and define a placement based on the student’s interest and expertise. All Kinesiology internships are un-paid off-campus experiences which require at least 120 hours of important and challenging work. Responsibilities are established collaboratively by the campus supervisor, on site supervisor and the student. While many students complete their internships locally, some choose to work in another location such as their home town or location of an ideal site.
Here are some examples of internships senior Kinesiology students have completed:
- Timber Ridge Golf Club
- ARES Fitness Club
- Greencroft Rinker Family Wellness Center
- Boys and Girls Club of Elkhart County
- Special Olympics of Elkhart County
- The Post
- Internships with local Athletic Directors
- Physical therapy and occupational therapy at Greencroft
- IU Health Goshen Hospital Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Center
- USA Track and Field association
- Athletic Training with local trainers
- Coaching with local coaches
- South Bend Silver Hawks
- Sports Imports
For students studying to be physical educators, the internship takes the form of student teaching. The student teacher assumes all responsibilities of a cooperating teacher in an elementary or secondary school during the semester. We routinely place student teachers in Goshen, Elkhart, Concord, Middlebury, Fairfield and other school systems nearby.