Goshen College and Ryan’s Place Host the 13th Annual Grief Seminar Titled “Creating Community by Embracing Diversity”
For more information or to register: call Kristin Hall at (574) 535-1000 or register online here.

The thirteenth annual Goshen College and Ryan’s Place grief seminar, titled “Creating Community by Embracing Diversity,” will be held on Friday, September 23 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Goshen College Church-Chapel Fellowship Rooms. The registration deadline is Friday, September 16. The opening session will feature Gilberto Pérez Jr., MSW, ACSW, senior director for intercultural development and educational partnerships at Goshen College. His keynote address will describe the creation of a welcoming environment for Latino immigrants in the midst of cultural and life adjustments, loss and integration. Effective supports for Latino immigrants who simultaneously experience loss and desire connections and relationships with their new friends and community will be explored through story-telling. Gilberto serves as one of two directors at the Center for Intercultural and International Education at Goshen College. Prior to joining the faculty at Goshen College, Gilberto served as a mental health administrator at Northeastern Center. He is the author of a nationally recognized mental health promotion program for Latino immigrants.
- Loss Through Immigration and Relocation (Aileac Deegan, MSW, LSW – facilitator, with panel: Gabriela Tovar, BSW; Daragh Deegan, MS; Thavisith Mounsithirah, MS; and Simelwe Dlove)
- The Grief Cycle with Children and Teens Experiencing the Divorce Process (Jami Presswood, LCSW)
- Therapy in Color: Using Coloring as a Therapeutic Tool (Jennifer Miller, MSW, LCSW)
- Coping with the Loss of a Beloved Pet (Kristin Buller, MA, LCSW, VSW-CP)
- Maggie’s Story (David Labrum, MFA, MS, LMHC)
- Grief Associated with Incarceration (Neil Warkentin, BSW and Kelly Sauder Neff, BA)