KIN Community Connections and Internships
Seniors in the Kinesiology Department are required to do an internship to foster community connections and improve career specific competencies prior to graduation. The student chooses where to do the internship in conversation with the adviser. The on campus adviser assists in making initial contacts and setting up the experience. Learning outcomes established by the Kinesiology Department are assessed by the on site supervisor.
Community connections for exercise science majors have included: OSMC Goshen, Goshen Hospital, Rinker Family Wellness Center at Greencroft, local athletic trainers, personal trainers, physical therapists, ocupational therapists and chiropractors, local kinesiologists, East Lake Fitness club, Anytime Fitness, and others.
Physical Education and Health internships have been completed at the Boys and Girls Club Goshen and headquarters in Elkhart, The Post, Special Olympics, Goldenrod, Goshen Community Schools, Goshen Parks and Recreation Department, work with local club sports associations, and others.
Sport Management and business related internships include working with an Athletic Director in a local school system, working at TGI- Creative Global Event Solutions based in Chicago (World Cup Soccer and other sport signage), local golf courses, Sports Imports, and others.
Come to Goshen College! Find your interest and make connections here!