New history professor hired!

In August 2022, Elizabeth Miller joined the Goshen College History Department as an assistant professor of history and is also serving as the next director of the Institute for the Study of Global Anabaptism (ISGA) and the Mennonite Historical Library.
Elizabeth’s academic training includes a BA in history (with honors) from Goshen College and an MA (with distinction) in theological studies from Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. Most recently, Elizabeth and her husband, Neil Richer, completed a five-year term with Mennonite Central Committee as program directors for Colombia-Ecuador. During a previous term of service with MCC in Colombia, Miller researched the history of the Colombian Anabaptist-Mennonite churches. Her book, Desde el Principio Anabautistas: La Historia de las Iglesias Menonitas y Hermanos Menonitas en Colombia, 1946-1975 (MCC / Editorial Gente Nueva, 2022) has just appeared.
“Anabaptist faith and practice has looked different across time and place. To be able to bring those distinct expressions in conversation with each other through the work of the ISGA at Goshen College is both a joy and a privilege,” Elizabeth wrote regarding her new position as director of the ISGA.
She brings a depth of international experience, demonstrated administrative gifts, academic gifts, and a love for the church to the task.