Alum Feature: Andrea Cruz

Here is an interview with Andrea Cruz, a 2021 graduate.

What did you do right after graduation?

I got married! I then started working at Goshen Health as an Account Coordinator for the Get Fit Get Healthy department, coordinating and conducting health screenings and wellness activities for local employers. My job role has now evolved into a health administrative role working with clinic managers to improve access to care, coordinating staff training for direct care programs, developing workflows, and administering bundled payment programs- procedures employers purchase at direct cost. I am often referred to as a jack of all traits as my job involves various aspects and I have enjoyed learning and developing different skills.

What you enjoy in your current position?

So much behind the scene work that happens to price out Hip Replacement or Colonoscopy to get the best rates for a patient is very interesting, but the effort goes a long way to ensure patients get the care they need.

How is your psychology degree helpful?

My Psychology degree has been helpful in my personal and professional life! Balancing work and personal life can be very overwhelming with racing thoughts about deadlines that need to be met, the to-do list you have not completed, or the cat litter you forgot to pick up 3 days in a row. Being intentional in our thoughts and thinking about thinking (Metacognition) has recently circled back into my life to provide peace, clarity, and respond better when life gets tough.

In my work life I work with local employees and colleagues to create new habits. And creating habits has Psychology written all over it, as requires us to have an understanding of human behavior, schemes, positive & negative enforcement, how environment and emotions can cue certain actions and how to rewire them.

What are your future aspirations?

My time working in industry has solidified that my classroom days are not behind me. My hope is to return to school in the coming year or two to pursue a Masters in Healthcare Administration or PhD in clinical Psychology… What can I say Psychology still has my heart. But I hope to continue to gain clarity through my everyday work and interactions.

Advice to students in psychology or in general?

It is true, Psychology is really everywhere! Let go of the pressure of knowing exactly what you will do post-graduation and appreciate the journey not the destination. Be open to all opportunities and try a little bit of everything! The things you learn along the way will slowly but surely shape your career path.