National Society of Arts and Letters honors Dontaye Albert ’25

Junior Dontaye Albert won first runner up in the Indiana Chapter of the National Society of Arts and Letters 2024 drama competition. Finishing in the top two earned Dontaye a cash award and the opportunity to perform at their ceremony on April 25th in Bloomington, IN.

Dontaye submitted a 4 minute self tape audition in February featuring monologues from Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo by Rajiv Joseph and Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Associate Professor of Theater Amy Budd said, “this audition was a personal best for Dontaye. His live performance was even better than the recording.”

Five additional students accompanied Professor Budd to Bloomington to support Dontaye’s appearance. The group enjoyed over a dozen short performances of drama, dance, and music by top winners. After the show, they feasted at a local Mexican eatery.

Notably, GC brought the largest group of fans to this event. Most awardees were local Indiana University students, but GC’s close knit campus community made a big impression.

Professor Budd noted that “this was such a fun experience. I hope attending has inspired students to enter NSAL competitions in the future.”

State chapters of the National Society of Arts and Letters award thousands of dollars in cash and scholarships to young artists annually. Students submit their work across seven categories of visual and performing arts.The top two winners in each are invited to perform or display their work at the awards ceremony showcase in Bloomington.