New Sport Management Major
The Kinesiology Department is elevating the Sport Management minor to a major in Fall 2018 for students interested in focusing on specific careers in the sport industry. In this cross disciplinary program, students gain specific knowledge, skills and experiences in sport business, law, communication, economics, finance, marketing , public relations and administration that are valuable from the perspective of top sport management employers. Students who complete the program may go on to graduate school or may choose to apply for jobs as an athletic director, facility manager, event manager, official, sport agent, recruiter, employee in sport associations (NCAA, NAIA, minor league, major league sport), compliance officer, sport information director, business owner, etc. These graduates will also have a background in sport culture and psychology and may go on to graduate school in either of those sub-disciplines. Jobs in these areas are projected to increase, however graduates will have to choose and develop expertise in a specific niche area to make themselves rise to the top in a competitive job market.