The Globe News Producer

The Globe News Producer

The news producer will report to the general manager, executive producer, student station manager and the news director.  The news producer is responsible for supporting the news director by assisting in story content creation and development on The Globe Radio and Globe TV. This will involve working on stories with teams of students and help with producing a monthly studio news show. Also responsible for ensuring content is edited and published in a timely weekly manner with adherence to the quality standards of The Globe.


  • Attend weekly Globe all-staff meeting (Monday 10 a.m.)
  • Write and produce for 91 second news update
  • Write and produce for weekly newscast
  • Write and produce for Globe TV monthly news and feature show
  • Host a minimum of one live and one voice-tracked radio shift
  • Manage anchors

Position Compensation – Scholarship & Yearly Stipend

We suggest composing answers in a word processor or text editor, and then copying and pasting your responses below.  If anything happens to go wrong during submission, we wouldn’t want you to lose your work.  

  • If reapplying please describe your strongest conrtributions to the department as it relates to TV and Radio.
  • By submitting this form, I give permission for my form submission and visit to this website to be tracked, to have the data I provided and information about my browser stored, and for this information to be shared with select third parties as outlined in the Privacy Policy.