Faculty Achievements and Awards
Goshen College is proud of its reputation for challenging academic programs. At Goshen College you will find faculty who enjoy spending time with students and who are willing to engage students as co-learners along their journey.
Jessica Baldanzi, Ph.D., has published Bodies and Boundaries in Graphic Fiction: Reading Female and Nonbinary Characters with Routledge 2023. Dr. Baldanzi published poems “Chemotrail” in Two-Thirds North (2023) and “Rough Beasts Fly” in The Short (Fall 2022). Dr. Baldanzi also published reviews in the Mennonite Quarterly Review of Rachel Yoder’s Nightbitch (April 2023) and Jonathan Dyck’s Shelterbelts (January 2023). Dr. Baldanzi served as a panelist at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival Academic Symposium (2022) on “Creating a Commons for Comics: Blogging and Public Scholarship.”
Brianne Brenneman, Assistant Professor of Public Health, co-authored a chapter titled “A Case Study in Meeting the Pandemic Moment Through NGO-University Collaboration: Creating a Global Health Virtual Practicum” with Paul Shetler Fast and Wade George Snowdon. The chapter was published in Community Engagement in the Online Space (IGI Global 2023). In 2021, she co-authored “What undergraduates want in campus sexual assault prevention programming: findings from a formative research study” in the Journal of American college health (2023) with Philyaw-Kotov, M. L., Walton, M. A., Gleckman-Krut, M., Davis, A. K., & Bonar, E. E.
Robert Brenneman, Professor of Criminal Justice and Sociology, co-authored a paper with students Daniel Eash‐Scott and Daniel Stoltzfus, titled “The Graves Cannot Be Dug Fast Enough”: Excess Deaths Among US Amish and Mennonites During the 1918 Flu Pandemic in the Journal of Religion and Health 1 September 2023. Dr. Brenneman also reviewed Aaron Griffith’s Law and Order: The Politics of Punishment in Evangelical America, for the Mennonite Quarterly Review April 2022.
Suzanne Ehst, Ph.D., Professor of Education, co-authored an article with Brooke Lemmon titled “From Resistance to Commitment: Shifting Dispositions in Secondary Preservice Teachers” in the IACTE Newsletter (2021).
Cristóbal Garza González, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Spanish published an article titled “México y Alemania: Crónica de una literatura no anunciada” in the Latin American Literary Review (2023).
Anna Groff, M.P.A., Assistant Professor of Communication, reviewed Lindsay Ems Virtually Amish: Preserving Community at the Internet’s Margins for the Mennonite Quarterly Review January 2023.
Jeanette Harder, Ph.D., Program Director of the Masters of Social Work, professor of Social Work, co-authored an article with Jodi Gabel and Sara Bharwani, “Experiences of Amish and Old Order Mennonite Families in Providing Foster Care for Children.” Their work will be published in an upcoming issue of Families in Society (2024). She also wrote an article with Clinton Martin (2023). The Plain People and the Foster Care System in Amish Country News.
Matthew Hill, Ph.D., Professor of Music, was an invited judge on Saturday Feb. 6, 2021, for the Gene Marcus Piano Competition held at Purdue University Fort Wayne School of Music.
David Housman, Ph.D., professor of mathematics, department chair of mathematics and computing, presented a paper “Flipping a Penny, My Favorite Statistics / Data Science Activity” at MathFest August 2023. Dr. Housman also spoke about Congressional Apportionment during the spring meeting of the Indiana Section of the Mathematical Association of America, March 2021. He and Rick Gillman (Valparaiso University) presented a four-hour minicourse on Game Theoretic Modeling for Math Majors at MathFest, August 2022.
Kyle Hufford, M.A., Associate Professor of Communication, produced and directed Vital Passage: A Holocaust Rescue Story for FiveCore Media in 2021.
Luke Beck Kreider, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Religion and Sustainability published a review of Jeff Gundy’s Wind Farms: Landscape with Stories and Towers for the Mennonite Quarterly Review April 2023.
Jewel Lehman, Ed.D., Professor of Kinesiology, presented “Age-related Effects on Maximal Effort Oxygen Consumption, Maximal Heart Rate and Training Volume in a Highly Trained Middle-Aged Female Long-Distance Runner, A Case Report” at the International Conference on Education in the Kinesiology and leisure studies in January 2024.
Brooke Lemmon, Ph.D., Professor of Education, gave a presentation titled “The extent to which high impact ableism training is offered to faculty at institutions of higher education” at the Council for Exceptional Children (February 2023). She also co-authored an article with Suzanne Ehst title “From Resistance to Commitment: Shifting Dispositions in Secondary Preservice Teachers” in the IACTE Newsletter (2021).
Breanna K. Nickel, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Bible and Religion, published a chapter titled “Women, Nonviolence and Interreligious Collaboration” in Anna Hamlin’s Women, Creativity and Nonviolence (Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2022). She also reviewed Marshall King’s Disarmed: The Radical Life and Legacy of Michael “MJ” Sharp for the Mennonite Quarterly Review July 2022.
John D. Roth, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of History, published A Mennonite College for Everyone (?): Goshen College and the Quest for Identity and Inclusion, 1960-2020 with a “Reframing the Institutional Saga” grant from NetVUE (the Network for Vocation in Undergraduate Education) and the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC). President Rebecca Stoltzfus wrote the Foreword. Goshen College 2023. John also published A cloud of witnesses: celebrating Indonesian Mennonites (2021) and “Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church: Lutheran-Mennonite-Roman Catholic Trilateral Conversations, 2012-2019” (Mennonite Quarterly Review January 2021).
Julia Schiavone Camacho, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History, was a Roundtable participant at the Latin American Studies Association-East Asia Network Joint Congress, Rethinking Trans-Pacific Ties: Asia and Latin America, 15-19 February 2022, presenting “Remembering the Expulsions of Chinese and Chinese-Mexican Families from Northern Mexico, 1930s-1960s.” Dr. Schiavone Camacho reviewed the book Liminal Sovereignty: Mennonites and Mormons in Mexican Culture written by Rebecca Janzen, for the Mennonite Quarterly Review October 2021.
Jonathan Schramm, Ph.D., Professor of Sustainability and Environmental Education, published a review of Courtney Fullilove’s The Profit of the Earth: The Global Seeds of American Agriculture, for the Mennonite Quarterly Review April 2021.
Jan Bender Shetler, Ph.D., Director of International Education and Professor of History, reviewed Jeremy Rich’s Protestant Missionaries and Humanitarianism in the DRC: The Politics of Aid in Cold War Africa, for the Mennonite Quarterly Review April 2022. Dr. Shetler also published a chapter titled “Floating Reed Islands: Gendered Stories of Resilience during Ecological Disaster in the Mara Region, Tanzania” in Oral History and the Environment: Global Perspectives on Climate, Connection, and Catastrophe, edited by Stephen M. Sloan and Mark Cave (Oxford University Press, 2022).
Regina Shands Stoltzfus, Ph.D., Professor of Peace, Justice, & Conflict Studies, published Been in the struggle : pursuing an antiracist spirituality (2021) with Tobin Miller Shearer.
Duane Stoltzfus, Ph.D., Professor of Communication, Director of Adult and Graduate Programs, has published an article, “When an American Pacifist Became an Alien in Her Own Homeland (and Had to Be Ready to Kill to Reclaim Her Citizenship),” in Peace & Change: A Journal of Peace Research, March 2021.
Ann Vendrely, Ed.D., D.P.T., Vice President for Academic Affairs and Professor of Kinesiology, published a chapter, “The Role of the Academic Dean in Institutional and Specialized Accreditation,” in Resource Handbook for Academic Deans: The Essential Guide for College and University Leaders (Johns Hopkins University 2023).