Math and Computing Stories

In their senior seminars, Goshen College mathematics and computer science majors have been often asked to write a short autobiography of their academics, interesting GC experiences, co-curricular activities, and future plans. These are the stories that have been submitted:

Math 412 Spring 2014
Math 412 Spring 2015
Math 412 Spring 2016
Math 412 Spring 2017
Math 412 Spring 2018
Math 412 Spring 2019
Math 412 Spring 2023
Cosc 410 and Math 412 Spring 2025

Another assignment has been to interview a GC alum about their education, career, and life choices. To find alums who were willing to be interviewed, requests for profiles have been emailed to alumni over the years. Here are some of theresponses:

Mathematics Majors
Brenda Beck*
Karl Birky
Phil Bontrager*
Reuben Budiardja*
M. Kent Clemens*
David Cooper
Anna Engelsone*
Robert Erck
D. Scott Eshleman*
David Hershberger*
Christian Heydorn*
Tim Kennel*
Patricia Kooker*
Mary Bruce Leigh*
Kenton Longenecker
Dale McMichael*
Matt Rissler*
Kevin Schloneger
Byron Shetler*
Evert Vandeworp*
Jason Yoder*
David Zehr*

Computing Majors
Tobias Basuki*
Anna Engelsone*
Sean Kauffman*
Jon Otto*
Sid Sahni*
Kartikeya Sharma*
Jonathan Savage*
Jason Yoder*

Mathematics Minors
Mark Miller*
Doug Stuckey*

* Alumni willing to be interviewed.  See David Housman for contact information.  Other alumni willing to be interviewed include:

Kaleab Abebe
Katie Baer
Ryan Britsch
Becker Byron
Randall Clouse
Emily Fretz
Elena Histand Stuckey
David King
Don Leatherman
Joanna Masingila
Emil Menzies
Peter Miller
Matt Nyce
Lalo Rolon
Matthew Schrock
Nick Schrock
Jesse Shaver
Douglas Smucker
Rodney Stutzman