Ameera Alshuga ’20

Ameera is a molecular biology/biochemistry pre-med major with a minor in psychology from Topeka, Indiana, who spent her internship at Goshen Hospital.
“During the summer, I started my internship in the Goshen Hospital. I was set up to do a lot of job-shadowing and applied to be an ER volunteer in the hospital. Throughout the internship I did shadowing in cardiovascular labs, surgery, intensive care unit, cancer center, inpatient oncology unit, Heart/Vascular center, and I was up in Circle of Caring Birthplace (CCB). The picture to the left shows me in scrubs while holding a new born baby. I was scheduled up in CCB to watch two C-sections and the new born babies were two boys. The first one is shown in the picture with me. I enjoyed every lasting minute of the surgery and it was miracle when the baby was pulled out from the uterus and he started crying. It was a special feeling that I’ll treasure forever.”