Crystopher Echavarria ’17

Crystopher is a 2017 physics graduate from the Dominican Republic who was involved in many campus activities, likes adventure and would love to be an auto engineer someday. Learn more about him:
Name: Crystopher Echavarria
Major: Physics
When and where were you happiest?
I believe I was the happiest when I was a teenager a few years back in the Dominican Republic. Mostly because that is where I felt at home, with family and friends. I like to look at this time of my life as a whole block/chunk where I felt at the top of my game for most of it.
What was one of the most defining moments in your life?
Looking back, I would say the most defining moment in my life was my first day of college. It represents more than the beginning of a new educational experience, for me it meant the beginning of my career, the path to finding my life calling.
If you were president, what is the first thing you would do?
I would amend the constitution to include an age limit and serving limit for politicians. Reducing the amount of disconnected old politicians and lobbyist in the capitol. This would open opportunities for small local governments to work together with their people. I believe that would help bring people together and revive the American dream.
What does a perfect day look like to you?
A perfect day for me consists of a sunny day and the opportunity to go out for an adventure, whether that’s exploring a city or a safari trip. Honestly a perfect day is a stress free day where I am busy interacting with people, because to me, a life without people is a life wrong-lived.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I am a big believer of Einstein’s words, and I paraphrase, the more I understand, the more I realize how little I know. If anything, out of all the flaws, I think I would change what I do when I get bored. I would like to be more curious and driven towards seeking knowledge and problem solving.
What do you feel most proud of?
I feel the proudest about my participation in GC, and how I, as a person, have matured enough to go out of my comfort zone and try to reach my fellow students and help make their experience in GC one of the best experiences of their lives.
What is your strongest personal quality?
I think my strongest personal quality is how empathetic I am towards other people’s emotions. I find that I listen more with the heart and emotions than with my consciousness. Not saying that I don’t pay attention, it’s more of a I listen and I immediately place myself in the position of the person speaking to me, which drives me to seek solutions or enjoy whatever the person Is telling me.
What is a skill you would like to learn and why?
I would like to learn how to think in the moment. I would like to know enough, be wise enough, that I can say the right thing when needed without embarrassing myself. I guess I would like to develop my public speaking skill
What teacher in school made the most impact on you and why?
John Buschert, John’s approach to life has inspired me to seek and achieve my goals without forgetting the important things in life, and to never forget that this life of mine is the only one I will ever have, so cheer up, be happy, and be willing to joyfully learn from my mistakes.
Best childhood memory
Best memory would have to be early January to march adventures in the Dominican Republic where my family and I would go to the Haitises National park and also go whale watching in the Samana Bay.
Which words or phrases do you most overuse? I overuse the word ‘like’ and sounds like “Mhmm.”
What do you consider the most overrated virtue? I think the most overrated virtue is approval.
What is your most marked characteristic? That I am a try-hard.
Which living person do you most admire? Elon Musk.
Which historical figure do you most identify with? Pedro Mir.
What is it that you most dislike? I dislike people with big ego.
Greatest fear: To be alone, not without people more like alone in the unknown where I cannot see what’s coming at me.
Favorite place to live: Manhattan, NYC, NY.
Favorite occupation: I would love to be a Car Engineer.
Favorite writer: Paulo Coelho.
Favorite song: Already Home by A Great Big World.