Daniel Klink ’18

For Danny Klink ’18, from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, helping others isn’t a hobby—it’s his future career. That’s why he declared a interdisciplinary studies major focusing on physical education, social work and sociology
What do you like most about Goshen and why?
I love the kind and welcoming atmosphere at Goshen College. When I first came to visit, I felt welcomed by everyone I came in contact with. I also love the relationships that I have with my professors. It’s really neat to be comfortable with them and call them by their first names. On occasion, they even invite you over to their house for dinner.
How has Goshen College influenced your faith or worldview?
Goshen has given me a global perspective through the diversity of the school. This past year, I had a diverse dorm floor with students from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Spain, Norway and India.
What do you hope to do with your degree?
I am thinking about working with Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), World Vision or a another Christian organization. I know that God has plans for me, and I’ll go where I feel he’s calling me.
What advice would you give to a prospective student?
Get excited about campus life, get involved and share your passion with everyone possible. When you’re excited about your passion, it becomes contagious. College takes discipline, and you’ll have times when you feel like you’re in over your head. I would encourage you to push through those times, because those are the times that help to shape who we are.
What was an influential experience you had outside of the classroom?
I was a Christian camp counselor in the summer of 2014, and it helped me to learn more about loving others. I have experienced people making themselves vulnerable to one another, telling each other about their life stories and struggles. I’ve realized that many people live the pretense of a perfect life but are actually disguising their pain. I want to get to know as many people as possible and listen to their stories so I can do something for them.