Deb Kauffman ’86

How did you end up at Goshen College?
I began my college music studies after high school, and finished up my degree about 12 years later after our two young daughters were both in school. At that time, Prof. Lon Sherer asked if I would teach a few Suzuki students, which led to further involvement in the Strings Prep Program. One day while at GC to teach a Suzuki student, Doyle Preheim, then chair of the music department, approached me about the music office administrative assistant position that was suddenly being vacated. I began in that role in 2000, and after the move to the new Music Center in 2002, helped set up the Community School of the Arts (CSA), which I then directed until 2015. In 2009, I began the Music Together program as a part of CSA in order to serve very young children and their families in our community.
What is one of your favorite memories of your time at GC?
One of my favorite memories is of getting ready for the very first A Festival of Carols performance at the Music Center in 2003. We had purchased two large Christmas trees, wreaths, garland, lights, etc. Brian Wiebe’s and my extended family members helped unbox and set things up over the Thanksgiving weekend. With special permission, we added the real candles on side walls as a finishing touch. That first performance was a stunning evening of awe and beauty, and also a huge relief that all came together in time!
What are some things you’ve learned through your time here?
I’ve learned much about using a Mac computer and programs needed for my work for the Music Center and CSA including Word, Excel, Filemaker and InDesign. I’ve learned that a filing system that works for you saves a lot of time and grief. Also, the GC staff members I’ve learned to know are loyal, knowledgeable and dedicated to serving others. It is a good place to work.
What are your next steps?
My husband Bob and I will travel to Scotland next week, after which I will begin my catch up on many things — reading, old friendships, mending, cleaning closets, gardening, photos, etc.
What advice do you have for others?
It is good to remember with some humility that there is generally more than one perspective (yours) worth considering.