Dr. Matthew Hill, Professor of Music
Professor of Music
“‘This is my beloved Son, listen to him!’ Thus spoke God at the moment of the Transfiguration. Music is a means of listening to Him who is the fullness of truth, life and beauty. It can act as a type of “real presence” whereby the mystery of God’s eternal wonder can be sensed through the beauty of meaningful sound. This reality of music’s ever deepening ability to communicate is what allows me to profoundly unite my Catholic faith with the teaching of the art of music.
Since antiquity, music has been associated with an otherworldliness, with liturgical form, with worship and in all cultures, as expressing the totality and mystery which makes up our humanity. Music gives evidence to the infinite — a form of expression that is ever deepening. Gregorian chant, the symphonies of Beethoven and the operas of Verdi puts us in contact with a “presence” that makes us aware of that which is greater than ourselves. Music asks “Who do you say that I am?!” So powerful for students, and all of us, to grapple with this question. We do this through daily practice, through study, through listening, in silence and ultimately in performance, where its meaningfulness reminds us, that the beauty we encounter is only a gentle preparation for that which God has in store for those who love.”