Dean Rhodes

Associate Professor of Spanish
What drew you to want to teach at Goshen College?
My own positive experience as a GC student drew me back to the college. I appreciate GC´s emphasis on peace and justice, and I wanted to lead Study-Service Term (SST) as well as other opportunities for overseas study and work.
What do you love most about teaching GC students?
The high quality of students that GC attracts are wonderful to work with. I especially enjoy leading great students on a May term class to Spain and Morocco and seeing their world open up to them.
What excites you about Spanish?
I’m excited by the many opportunities within the local community, the nation and beyond to use Spanish in helping people make this a better world, as well as the opportunities that Spanish affords for international study.
What do you enjoy doing outside of your academic work?
Spending time with family (grandchildren!) and outdoor activities like gardening, landscaping, hiking, biking and travel.
How does the college’s vision (international, intercultural, interdisciplinary and integrative) connect or shape your teaching and work?
GC´s vision of and emphasis on international and intercultural teaching especially is important to my work as a Spanish language and culture advocate. With our SST program, overseas May term courses and the many opportunities within the community of Goshen to immediately use Spanish for international and intercultural connections, my work seems so very relevant to meeting the needs around us and beyond.
How do you strive to make peace through your work and life?
I strive to treat each person that I come into contact with as a unique individual who deserves my respect, attention, time and interest in their personal lives. I strive to allow the persons most closely associated with me — my colleagues — to explore their academic interests and become all that their God-given gifts will allow them to become. I want to help them be successful not only in their careers, but as I am able, in their personal lives as well.
Is there anything else you would like prospective students to know about you?
I see Goshen College as a great place for students to safely explore and expand their world horizons – be it academic, spiritual, personal or other. This is a great place to safely ‘be’ who you are!