Hannah Lehman ’24

Huntington, Indiana
Major: Music, Secondary Education
Why did you choose Goshen?
I decided to come to Goshen after attending an explore Goshen day and auditioning for a music scholarship. I could tell just from these two short visits how much the professors cared about their students and the programs.
I loved that students waved and smiled at me even though they did not know me yet. I felt a great sense of community already and was excited to be a part of it. I also come from a Mennonite background and appreciated that Goshen shared many of the same values that I held.
Why did you choose your major?
When it came time to choose my major, I realized that there was not really a choice – music is what I am called to pursue. I have been playing and singing music my entire life, and I want to use the skills I have learned from that in my career. I chose to also study education because I want to pass on my love and knowledge of music to the next generations.
What career are you interested in pursuing?
After I graduate, I plan on teaching music in a public school system. Music classes were an important part of my secondary education, and I want to help provide that same experience for others. I also am aware of many flaws in our education system and hope to bring positive changes to our schools.
What is a valuable experience that you have had at Goshen?
A valuable experience that I have had at Goshen has been singing in Voices of the Earth, a choir for treble voices that focuses on music from cultures around the world. Learning about music from non-western traditions has broadened both my knowledge of music and my worldview. The perspective I have gained from this choir has made me a better person and will influence how I teach music in the future.