Katrina Evans ’15

This profile originally appeared on Good of Goshen
In my sixth-grade yearbook, I remember the question asked was, ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ My answer was, ‘I’d like to be a nurse.’ I care about being of service. I like to get my hands dirty.
In nursing and the medical field, you get to help people through the most difficult situations in their lives. In my job, I make a lot of home visits. At first, I didn’t feel comfortable because I didn’t want to feel like I was imposing on them. But I’ve found that people are so happy to welcome you into their homes. It is so much easier to get on somebody’s level when you’re in a space where they feel comfortable.
One of the first home visits I did was with a man and woman who lived in a very humble abode. Every time I’d pull into their driveway, the man would be right by the window. He didn’t have any teeth, but he would always give me this huge smile and wave. It always started off my day really wonderfully, and I always looked forward to his smile.
I love the community so much. I feel like I found my place and my people here.