Leanna Teodosio ’14

After taking four years off after high school, Leanna Teodosio ’14 visited the GC campus and learned about the core values. Right away, she knew she was in the right place–so much so that she stayed at GC as an Assistant Resident Director for a year after graduation.
Why did you choose Goshen?
I wasn’t drawn to Goshen by impressive buildings or top-of-the-line equipment, but rather the atmosphere. I possess a strong love for learning and Goshen is an academically prestigious institution with values that I appreciate. I especially liked the motto “Culture for Service” and the core values, as they align with my own values.
What do you hope to do with your degree?
I don’t have some grand master plan for the remainder of my life. But whatever I end up doing, I will do so spreading the love of Christ and serving in his name, be that with a church, a non-profit, a service organization or some other job.
What was your favorite class?
Though I have enjoyed many classes along the way, my favorite class at Goshen was, hands down, Jesus and the Gospels with Jo-Ann Brant. I learned so much! Each and every time the class met, I was on the edge of my seat, eagerly taking it all in.
What should every GC student experience?
A spontaneous hymn sing is a necessary experience at some point during college. There is a Facebook page dedicated to making these happen and keeping people informed about them. They are a great way to de-stress, take a study break, express gratitude to God, spend time with quality people and have fun.
What do you appreciate most about Goshen?
My favorite part of Goshen College is the community. I have made many friends from different backgrounds, faiths, upbringings, states and countries. This community is one focused on achieving high academic goals; however, it simultaneously encourages generosity. Interacting with the diverse student population has been especially enriching. I have built incredible friendships with students from all over.