Liane Hooker ’23

Elkhart, Indiana
Major: Nursing
Why did you choose Goshen?
I chose Goshen College for a few reasons:
- Goshen College is known for their excellence in their nursing program.
- I was recommended by a few nurses who graduated from Goshen College, and had the pleasure working with them at Elkhart General Hospital.
- Goshen College’s core values of creating a community of faith and learning built on five core values: Christ-centeredness, passionate learning, servant leadership, compassionate peacemaking, and global citizenship. In my personal life I value the same core values as Goshen College.
In addition, my experience has been a blessing meeting new people, professors, and having the opportunity to continue pursuing my dream of becoming a nurse. One of my favorite quotes from Maya Angelou goes “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” And that has been my experience here at Goshen College.