Malinda Berry ’96

Elkhart, Indiana
MAJORS: history, English
Associate professor of theology and ethics, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary
How did your experience at Goshen College inform your vocational calling and/or approach to ministry?
Attending GC was very instrumental in shaping my work in theological education. Experiences both inside and outside the classroom expanded my understanding of violence raising important questions about how we are and aren’t “people of God peace.”
What gives you the most satisfaction in your work?
I approach scholarship as a form of what we Mennonites call “discipleship,” so I’m interested in how Christian faith makes it possible for us to live meaningful lives because it’s an interesting topic AND my scholarship helps me do my personal work.
What advice would you have for GC students interested in ministry?
We think of ministry as something we do to help others, but it’s really a dialogue between me (and my stuff), those I “minister to” and how we’re all trying to meet our needs for connection. So, be as curious about yourself as you are about others!