Rachel Smucker ’15

Rachel Smucker is a public relations graduate with a business minor. Her passion for PR led her to explore different corners of campus life and all around the world. She was an intern for the campus radio station, The Globe, and manager for the campus coffee shop, Java Junction, as well as president of the campus chapter of PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America). In the summer of 2014, she traveled to 13 countries with The International Business Institute Program.
What do you like most about Goshen and why?
The people. I have found a creative, inquisitive, supportive and loving community here that has made this place truly feel like home.
Why did you choose to come to Goshen College?
The funny thing is that I didn’t choose Goshen College—it chose me. After fighting against the idea of coming to GC all senior year of high school, I was walking around campus during my final visit as a prospective student. The campus was quiet, and as I walked by myself to the dorms, I was suddenly flooded with emotion. A wave of peace washed over me and that’s when I knew, GC was going to be my home for the next four years. After that moment I never looked back, and now GC is one of the biggest blessings in my life.
How has Goshen College influenced your faith or worldview?
I’ve been taught to see the world with a different lens at Goshen College. We are global citizens, not just citizens of our own countries. The world is a lot more connected than we can actually see, and GC has shown me that.
What do you hope to do with your degree?
I’m applying for several organizations in Washington, D.C., aiming to get involved with social justice, public policy and environmental sustainability. I would like to eventually go back to school for my masters degree in peace, justice and conflict studies or restorative justice. The wonderful thing about Goshen is that as my interests changed over the years, GC has allowed me to explore those changing interests. As a freshman, I never would have imagined my growing interest in public policy, but here I am!
What advice would you give a prospective student?
When you’re choosing your school, wait for that moment where you feel you truly belong. And if you don’t have that moment, go with your gut! Whatever your decision is, move forward with an open mind and an open heart.
Have you had an influential experience outside the classroom?
Last spring, I spent three months in Tanzania with my Study-Service Term unit. During the service portion of my semester, I taught business and entrepreneurship to women in the surrounding churches of my town. In the beginning, I questioned my ability and knowledge to help these women; I had a lot of doubts that I was qualified. Over the five weeks I spent in Tarime, I learned to embrace my abilities and trust that I needed to be there with whatever I had to bring to the table. It was a valuable lesson that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.