Ruth Hochstetler

Ruth Hochstetler is retiring after 13 years working as circulation manager in the Harold and Wilma Good Library.
How did you end up at Goshen College?
I wanted to take the adult studies program. There just happened to be a library opening at the same time.
What kept you around?
I liked the job– it’s a good fit.
Do you have a favorite memory from your time here?
Let’s see. It’s hard to pick just one. I’ve enjoyed working with the student workers and staff. And we had a library orientation for a few years where we did a 70s theme ‘groove in’ — that was kind of fun. We got to dress up, play 70s music.
What’s something you learned from your years here?
How to be a good manager. And I learned a lot about college administration and policy, how that all works. Also, I learned how to work under different bosses and management because they had three changes of managers while I was here.
What advice would you have for others?
Go with the flow. It’s not very original but that’s ok. And just to do your best.
What are your next steps?
Getting to some projects that I’ve been putting on hold. And travel– some travel, not a lot.