Research, Internships & Experiential Learning
As a public health major, you’ll have opportunities to get hands-on experience in many different settings locally and around the world. Some examples include:
- Environmental Disaster and Response
In this course, students work with Mennonite Disaster Service to partner with a community to help rebuild after a disaster, and reflect on ways to respond that are ethical, sustainable, and respectful.
- Maple Scholars summer research program
- Summer 2022: Environmental Justice – Mapping water quality and demographic characteristics in Elkhart County, Indiana
- Study-Service Term service placements. Some previous examples include:
- Internships at organizations like Center for Healing and Hope, Heart City Health, Elkhart County Health Department, Goshen Health, and The Source.

In this photo, we are working with the mini-grant program as part of the Elkhart county child dashboard. The mini-grants allow people to apply for a money grant to help push ideas or programs that they would like to do but they may not have the money to get started. In this photo we are delivering a mini-grant to Goshen High school. They are developing a program that is called the Reset area. In this area, they are giving students and faculty a placed where they can take some time out of the classroom when they are feeling overwhelmed or just need a minute away from everything. The goal with this program is to help improve the attendance rate of the students especially with the amount of students who have been struggling to get back to school since the pandemic.