Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, and this is extremely important when you are choosing a school for your degree completion. Many institutions are not regionally accredited and could be a waste of your time and money.
Goshen College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is classified as a Baccalaureate–Arts & Sciences college by the Carnegie Foundation. The division of nursing is approved by the Indiana State Board of Nurses Registration and Nursing Education, Division of Baccalaureate and accredited by Higher Degrees of the National League for Nursing, and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. The social work program is fully accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.
No. While Goshen College is affiliated with Mennonite Church USA, currently more than 40 different Christian denominations and several world religions are represented on campus. Our doors are open to all. You will encounter the Christian faith in your studies here, as it is the faith of our faculty and the majority of Goshen College students.
Yes! Since 1992, we have helped over 600 working adults like you complete their degrees. We know you can succeed because we have designed a program to suit your needs with a convenient schedule, an accelerated program, and an affordable, high-quality education.
Your first step in applying for the program will be to send us all of your transcripts from previous colleges or universities. We’ll consider all of these credits for transfer first. Then, we’ll look at other opportunities for earning credit, such as CLEP testing or our Credit for Prior Learning program (in which you get credit for real-world experience).
Students need to have at least 60 credits before starting the RN-BSN and Social Work programs, but alternative ways of earning credit are available on an individual basis. The Communication program requires at least 20 credits.
Many of our adult students have a wealth of practical experience from volunteer service, work training programs, internships, and other practical learning opportunities. We understand the value of these experiences and can help you convert some of them into college credit through Credit for Prior Learning portfolios. Students document the learning gained from practical experience and submit a portfolio, which is then evaluated by a faculty member who determines the amount of credit to be awarded. A student may earn up to 20 credits in this way.
This is a rewarding way to gain college credits, and much less expensive than traditional college coursework. Please contact us to learn more.
Students enrolled in our Adult Degree Programs who are considered full-time are therefore eligible to apply for state and federal grants or loans. Students who take classes on a part-time basis may still be eligible for financial aid at a reduced amount. You can read more about the different types of financial aid, and you can follow step-by-step instructions for applying for federal aid.
Absolutely! What you get out of your degree depends on what you put in. We can’t guarantee entry into any school, but many of our graduates go on to earn master’s degrees. Goshen is a fully accredited school with accredited, well-respected programs. You will be positioned for success!