Course Descriptions
Social Work Course Descriptions
SOWK 322 Social Welfare Policy & Program I 3
Social, environmental, and economic justice all serve as organizing principles in this course for the study of social problems and the critique of existing and proposed social welfare policy. Students will develop an understanding of policy-making processes and the connection between social problems and social welfare policy, programs, and services across local, state and federal levels. Students will also develop an understanding of the role of policy in the context of generalist social work practice, and be introduced to the concept of policy practice. Prerequisites: SoWk 200, 221 or consent of instructor.
SOWK 323 Social Welfare Policy & Program II 4
This course assists students in acquiring a critical understanding of social welfare policies and programs, and in developing beginning skills in policy and advocacy practice. The content of the course is integrated with that of Social Work Practice Theory I and therefore, students will build upon their knowledge to develop intervention strategies to respond to selected social problems at both the direct practice (micro) and policy/program (macro) levels. Intervention at a macro level requires skill in working with social systems and advocating with individuals and communities for social change. Prerequisite: SoWk 322 and be a social work major. Taken concurrently with SoWk 325.
SOWK 325 Social Work Practice Theory I 4
This course facilitates student development of social work skills and knowledge base to prepare them for entry into Field Instruction in their senior year of study. The content of the course is integrated with that of Social Welfare Policy and Program II. It emphasizes the development of a theoretical base for social work practice and includes experiential learning activities to build specific social work practice skills. Prerequisites: SoWk 200, 221, and be a social work major. Taken concurrently with SoWk 323.
SOWK 391 Methods of Social Research 3
(Cross-listed from Soc 391) An introduction to the principles and methods of social research. Students will develop the knowledge and skills needed to develop and evaluate research designs, interpret both qualitative and quantitative research, and be effective consumers of research knowledge. Prerequisites: Soc 200
SOWK 409 Field Instruction 5
Integration and application of knowledge, values, skills, and cognitive and affective processes in the practice setting under a qualified field instructor in a social service agency. Upon successful completion of Field Instruction, the student is prepared for beginning professional practice. Field Instruction must be applied for during the spring of the year preceding enrollment. Usually taken over two semesters; may be taken for 10 credits over the course of one semester by approval of program director. The grading system for this course is credit/no credit. Prerequisites: SoWk 323, 325 and consent of program director. Must be taken concurrently with, or after successful completion of SOWK 425. Students furnish their own transportation for field placement. Field Instruction provides 400 clock hours of supervised and directed practice learning.
SOWK 410 Social Work Senior Seminar 2
This course facilitates the Integration of social work knowledge, theory, and values, with field instruction practice. Integration occurs through class discussions and field trips on relevant topics, and the written and oral examination process. Students actively participate in developing the agenda for classroom sessions. Must be taken concurrently with SOWK 409.
SOWK 425 Social Work Practice Theory II 3
This course requires students to build on and expand their knowledge and skills from Social Work Practice Theory I and Social Welfare Policy and Program II, as they apply them to social work practice with individuals, families and social systems of varying size. This course is taught concurrently with the first semester of field instruction, which provides the opportunity to integrate theory with skill development. Prerequisites: SoWk 323, 325, and admission to the program.