Goshen College Alumni

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Join the GC Alumni Group on Linkedin.

Look up your classmates and update your information in the online Alumni Directory.

Outcomes to Celebrate

Outcomes matter and GC has great ones!

Check out these new stats and cool interactive majors-to-career pathways visualization to see for yourself.

Homecoming Weekend


Check out Homecoming Weekend photos and meet this year’s alumni awardees!

GC alumni are all over the world

Check out our GC Alumni Map to see where alumni live.

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Contact the Alumni Office

Jodi Beyeler

Jodi Beyeler

Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Jan Ramer

Jan Ramer

Administrative Assistant to the VP of Advancement & Development Office

Dan Koop Liechty

Dan Koop Liechty

Director of Alumni Engagement

Mailing Address:

Alumni Relations Office
Goshen College
1700 South Main Street
Goshen, IN 46526





Alumni News in The Bulletin

Send us your news and photos related to births, deaths, marriages, job changes, achievements, etc. for publication in The Bulletin. When sending in photos, please submit digitally in the highest resolution available. You can log on to the Alumni Directory to read more news about alumni, find contact information for them and submit your own updates.

Meet our
Alumni Council members