Homecoming Weekend 2013
Photo albums from the weekend
- Alumni awardees
- General events: 60th anniversary celebration for the nursing department, a hymn sing, an art exhibit, kids’ activities, alumni bike ride, alumni author book signings, former president Shirley Showalter reading from her new memoir, campus tours, a Frisbee tournament, soccer game and the play “Gadfly: Sam Steiner Dodges the Draft,” a true story about a Goshen alum set primarily at the college.
- Music Gala
- First Fridays: Lavender Jazz
Class Reunion Photos:
To save an image, simply right-click on the full-size image after opening and select the “Save Image to Desktop” option.
- 65th Reunion – Class of 1948: Large (5.2MB)
- 60th Reunion – Class of 1953: Large (5.9MB)
- 55th Reunion – Class of 1958: Large (5.9MB)
- 50th Reunion – Class of 1963: Large (9.4MB)
- 45th Reunion – Class of 1968: Large (9.8MB)
- 40th Reunion – Class of 1973: Large (9.1MB) (Nurses)
- 35th Reunion – Class of 1978: Large (6.2MB)
- 30th Reunion – Class of 1983: Large (10.34MB)
- 25th Reunion – Class of 1988: Large (9.5MB)
- 20th Reunion – Class of 1993: Large (9.7MB)
- 10th Reunion – Class of 2003: Large (5.9MB)

Alumni Awardees

Culture for Service Awardees: Tony Brown ’71 from Albuquerque, N.M., and Arden Shank ’74 from Miami, Fla.
Dr. Roman Gingerich Champion of Character Award: the late Fred Litwiller ’62 from Goshen
Dr. Ruth Gunden Champion of Character Award: Lynda Hollinger-Janzen, a 1978 graduate from Goshen
Read more about each of the recipients »