Videos: Virtual Homecoming Week Events
Sept. 27-Oct. 4, 2020
Due to COVID-19, we weren’t able to gather in person during Homecoming Weekend, but we worked hard to create a virtual homecoming experience that leaves you feeling connected, entertained and fulfilled. See the events below with video recordings of all the virtual guest speakers, panel discussions, pre-recorded concerts, trivia and more.
Sunday, Sept. 27
Monday, Sept. 28
6 p.m. | Virtual campus open house for legacy students and siblings of current students.
There are also virtual individual dates available throughout the week. More details and registration here.

6 p.m. | GC Talks: “An Introduction to the Criminal Justice and Restorative Justice Program” (sponsored by the GC Alumni Council)
Regina Shands Stoltzfus ’84, professor of peace, justice and conflict studies, and Robert Brenneman, professor of criminal justice and sociology, will introduce one of GC’s newest programs, the criminal justice and restorative justice major. Learn more about this new program and ask questions you may have.
» Watch this GC Talk
Tuesday, Sept. 29
6 p.m. | GC Talks: “The Latinx student experience at GC” (sponsored by the GC Alumni Council)
Join members of the Latino Student Union, a recent GC Latina graduate and their adviser, Richard Aguirre, for a presentation about the Latinx students’ experience at GC.
» Watch this GC Talk
7:30 p.m. | GC Talks: “Community Networks and Successful Global Public Health: Roundtable Conversation with Franklin Baer, Rebecca Shetler Fast and Paul Shetler Fast” (sponsored by the Yoder Public Affairs Lecture Committee and the GC Alumni Council)
Join the 2020 Young Alumni Servant Leadership awardees, Rebecca ’08 and Paul ’08 Shetler Fast, and a Culture for Service awardee, Franklin Baer ’72, for a panel discussion about their public health work and advocacy. The panel will be moderated by Brianne Brenneman ’17, assistant professor and chair of our new public health major.
» Watch this GC Talk
Wednesday, Sept. 30
- 12 year old and under (boys and girls) – Miles and Jasmine Gillette from Goshen, IN
- 13-19 year olds (boys and girls) – Magdalena Burkholder from Denver, CO
- 20-29 year olds (women) – Audrey Thill `14 from South Bend, IN and Nina Longenecker-Fox `15 from Goshen, IN
- 30-39 year olds (women and men) – Rachel Versluis `09 from Goshen, IN and David Rumsey `10 from Harrisburg, PA
- 40-49 year olds (women and men) – Maribeth Longacre Benner`92 from Telford, PA and Matt Fisher (parent) from Goshen, IN
- 50-59 year olds (women and men) – Suetta Hollinger `84 from Engadine, MI and Rex Hochstedler `90 from Goshen, IN
- 60-69 year olds (women and men) – Alice Bender `80 from Washington, DC and Dale Kempf `78 from Libertyville, IL
- 70-79 year olds (men) – Les Swartley `64 from Perkasie, PA
- 80 year old and over (women and men) – Ann Troyer `60 from Kidron, OH and Keith Schrag `60 from Ames, IA
- Farthest from Goshen College – Michael Awori `00 who ran in Nairobi, Kenya (7,923 miles from Goshen)
- Highest altitude – Randal Rheinheimer `88 from Los Alamos, NM (7,320 feet)
- Hottest temperature – Viren Wadhwa `16 from Vadodara, Gujarat, India (89 degrees Fahrenheit)
- Coldest temperature – Jennifer Cree `10 from Kokomo, IN (45 degrees Fahrenheit)
6 p.m. | GC Talks: “Long-Term Energy Efficiency Gains at Goshen College” (sponsored by the GC Alumni Council)
Glenn Gilbert, retired director of facilities, will present on the decades long work that he led to increase energy efficiency on campus. He will show how even though the campus has significantly increased building square footage, the environmental footprint has shrunk.
» Watch this GC Talk
7 p.m. | GC Women’s Volleyball Game vs. Grace College
Watch the GC women’s volleyball team in action at GoLeafs Live.
Postponed | GC Men’s Soccer Game vs. Marian University
8:00 p.m. | Virtual 5K Awards
» Watch the awards announcement
We will announce winners of our first ever virtual GC Homecoming 5K, hosted by the Maple Leaf Athletic Club leadership team. Gift certificates to the Goshen College Bookstore will be given to winners in each category. We will announce winners in each category, but no times will be announced. Details can be found here.
The 2020 virtual 5K winners are:
Thursday, Oct. 1
6 p.m. | GC Talks: Luke Gascho, “The history of the Potawatomi Tribe in Elkhart County and Settler Impacts on the Tribe” (sponsored by the GC Alumni Council)
Luke Gascho, retired Executive Director of the Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center, will share his research on the history of Elkhart County. He has done extensive research about the land, which was home to the Potawatomi people, and how the tribe was impacted by settlers to the area.
» Watch this GC Talk
7:30 p.m. | GC Talks: Shashi Buluswar ’91, “Decolonizing ‘Culture for Service’: A New Paradigm for Impact in the Developing World” (sponsored by the Yoder Public Affairs Lecture Committee and the GC Alumni Council)
Join us as Shashi Buluswar ’91, CEO of the Institute for Transformative Technologies and 2020 Culture for Service Awardee, talks about his decades of international development work and the paradigm shift he has experienced from reliance on external aid agencies, development organizations and missions to internal ideas, expertise and partnerships.
» Watch this GC Talk
Friday, Oct. 2
12 p.m. | Student Music Recital

2 p.m. | Virtual Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center Presentation
Jason Martin, the Executive Director of Merry Lea, will provide an overview of the work of the environmental learning center. In addition, Marcos Stoltzfus ’06 and Jennifer Schrock, respectively, will present on the Environmental Education and Mennonite Creation Care Network programs.
» Watch this presentation
7 p.m. | Goshen College Virtual Trivia Night, hosted by Joe Springer ’80
Brush up on your GC facts and join us for an evening of trivia fun. How well do you really know GC? Joe Springer ’80, curator of the Mennonite Historical Library, will be your quizmaster and he’ll push the limits of your GC knowledge. GC Bookstore gift certificates to the top three finishers.
8 p.m. | Peace, Play, Pandemic: A Virtual Theater Experience
This Homecoming Weekend, the theater department will present Peace Plays of the past, staged in the age of COVID-19. The pandemic has altered how we experience life and how we experience theater. We hope to explore how it impacts both through these short plays as well as its impact on the themes of peace presented. All performances will be streamed only.
Saturday, Oct. 3
Anytime | Quilts from College Mennonite Church
Pay a virtual visit to the current exhibit of the Mennonite-Amish Museum Committee on display in the Good Library Gallery. Most of the quilts featured in the exhibit were done by GC alumni. If you wish to make an in-person visit to the Library Gallery, schedule your appointment in advance by contacting the Mennonite Historical Library: 574-535-7418 or
» Visit here and watch the virtual artist talk
10 a.m. | Virtual Campus Tour
To register and get a link for the virtual tour, email before October 3.
10 a.m. | Virtual Class Reunions:
2020 • 2010 • 2000 • 1995 • 1990 • 1985 • 1980 • 1975 • 1970 • 1965 • 1960 • 1955 • 1950
*We will not be holding reunions for the 2005 and 2015 classes this year.
1 p.m. | Virtual Faculty Connections
Join faculty for GC academic departments for a time of updating what is going on with your department and a chance to ask questions. The following departments will have a Zoom session:
2 p.m. | GC Women’s Soccer Game vs. Huntington University
Watch the GC women’s soccer team in action at GoLeafs Live.
2 p.m. | Center for Communication Studies Virtual Open House
Join the faculty and students of the Communication Department in viewing the recently completed Center for Communication Studies.
» Watch this open house
3:30 p.m. | State of the College Webinar
Join President Stoltzfus ’83 and Jodi Beyeler ’00, vice president for communications and people strategy, for a brief update on the college and a chance to answer your questions via Zoom chat.
» Watch the State of the College webinar
5 p.m. | Virtual Art Exhibit and Artist Talk
Join faculty and students of the GC Art Department as they discuss the student art currently on display in the Hershberger Art Gallery in the Goshen College Music Center.
» Watch the virtual Artist Talk
8 p.m. | Peace, Play, Pandemic: A Virtual Theater Experience
This Homecoming Weekend, the theater department will present Peace Plays of the past, staged in the age of COVID-19. The pandemic has altered how we experience life and how we experience theater. We hope to explore how it impacts both through these short plays as well as its impact on the themes of peace presented. All performances will be streamed only.
Sunday, Oct. 4
9:30 a.m. | President Stoltzfus will preach at College Mennonite Church
Join President Stoltzfus as she preaches at College Mennonite Church. Click on this link to view the service.
2 p.m. | Peace, Play, Pandemic: A Virtual Theater Experience
This Homecoming Weekend, the theater department will present Peace Plays of the past, staged in the age of COVID-19. The pandemic has altered how we experience life and how we experience theater. We hope to explore how it impacts both through these short plays as well as its impact on the themes of peace presented. All performances will be streamed only.
7:30 p.m. | The 2019 Homecoming Music Gala
Join us as stream of last year’s Homecoming Music Gala again. See all the GC music ensembles as they presented their first concert of the year in 2019.
» Watch the 2019 Homecoming Music Gala
Anytime | Quilts from College Mennonite Church
Pay a virtual visit to the current exhibit of the Mennonite-Amish Museum Committee on display in the Good Library Gallery. Most of the quilts featured in the exhibit were done by GC alumni. If you wish to make an in-person visit to the Library Gallery, schedule your appointment in advance by contacting the Mennonite Historical Library: 574-535-7418 or
2020 Alumni Awardees
Culture for Service Awards:
Franklin Baer ’72
Shashi Buluswar ’90
Young Alumni Servant Leadership Award:
Paul ’08 and Rebecca Shetler Fast ’08
Champions of Character Awards:
Todd Woodworth ’78
Krysten Parson ’02
2020 Class Reunion Year Facebook Groups:
2020 • 2010 • 2000 • 1995 • 1990 • 1985 • 1980 • 1975 • 1970 • 1965 • 1960 • 1955 • 1950
For links to class reunion Zoom meetings, see Oct. 3 schedule above