Miriam Schapiro
the Heat of the Winter
1995 Artist Proof 65 x 33.5 inches - Screen Print
Public Presentations *
Thursday, March 8 @ 7:00
PM - Open to public - no charge*
March 9 @ 10:00 AM - Open to public - no charge*
*There is no charge, but if possible, do let us know the size of your group so that we can accommodate the size of the audience. Phone Marge Brandeberry at 219-535-7400, e-mail to Margemb@goshen.edu , or mail to Marge Brandeberry, Goshen College, Goshen, IN 46526.
Map and Campus Map for Goshen College
An exhibition of Schapiro's work will be in the Goshen College Art Gallery
All rights reserved.