A Bibliography for Art Education |
These are
some of the offerings
in the Goshen College Good Library. Browse the stacks for others.
This drawing is based on the memory of an actual experience. It is the "visual journal" of a child. The loft includes hay bales and a cat. Below is the horse stall and, most importantly, Beth riding Rhoda the horse.
![]() Drawing © Beth Bartel, age 10 felt tip on newsprint paper
x 18 inches
Photos of
Marvin Bartel - 1999.
Alexander and Day, editors, Discipline-Based Art Education: A Curriculum Sampler . 1991. Has sample lesson plans. Armstrong, Thomas. Multiple intelligences in the classroom. c1994. LB1025.3 .A76 Covers Teaching, Cognitive styles, Learning, and Intellect. Arnheim, Rudolf, Thoughts on Art Education . 1990. N 85 .A64 17 very articulate short essays, easy to read. Examples: "No Art without Function," "The Values of Expression," and "Materials Have Character." (noted in ch 2 of text)
Armstrong, Carmen L.,
Assessment in Art.
1994. How to evaluate art and art programs.
Armstrong, T. Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom . 1994. A description of strategies for using multisensory processes for teaching, learning, and assessment. (noted in ch 4 of text)
Art Education: Senior
High School
of this page
about Art : An Aesthetics Casebook.
St. Martin's Press, Inc.
Beal, Nancy and Miller, Gloria Bley (Contributor). The Art of Teaching Art to Children : In School and at Home (August 2001)
Brigham, Don L. Focus on Fine Arts: Visual Arts. 1989. Describes good art learning methods. Brittain, W. Lambert, Creativity and Art Education , N 85 B7 An anthology of articles. You can become a more creative person and help your students do the same. Brooke, Sandy. Hooked on Painting! : Illustrated Lessons & Exercises for Grades 4 and Up (March 2000)
Carson, Janet, It's Art Time - Awareness Activities , N 350 C3.8 Multisensory motivation. Examples of discussing famous art with children. Answers questions children (and many adults) ask about art. Chapman, Laura. Instant Art, Instant Culture: The Unspoken Policy for American Schools. 1982. N 108.C47 Dewey, John. Art as Experience . 1934. (noted in ch 9 of text) Dewey, Joh n. (1910/1991) How We Think. (noted in ch 1 of text)
Dobbs, Stephen Mark.
Learning In and Through Art: A
Guide to
Discipline Based Art Education
Cohen, Elaine Pear & Ruth Straus Gainer. Art: Another Language for Learning. 1976. N 350.C54 Dissanayake, E. What is Art For? 1988. Explains art as a distinctly human form of expression. (noted in text, ch 1 & 8) Dunn, Phillip C. Creating Curriculum in Art . 1995.
Edwards, Betty. The new drawing on the right side of the brain. 2nd rev.ed. New York : Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, c1999. NC730 .E34 1999 Eisner, Elliot W. The Role of Discipline-Based Art Education in America's Schools , 1988 N 353 .E37 Eisner and Ecker. Readings in Art Education , N 85 L3.6 Eisner, Educating of Artistic Vision , N 85 E4.8 Fein, S. Heidi's Horse. 1991. One child's symbol development. (noted in ch 2 of text) Gaitskell, Charles and Al Hurwitz, Children and their Art , N 350 G3.2, 2nd & 3rd ed. A comprehensive general reference. Chapter on appreciation describes the Description-Analysis-Interpretation-Judgment method of art criticism. Describes a discovery method for discussing art. Gardner, Howard. Art, mind, and brain : a cognitive approach to creativity / Howard Gardner. c1982. Goshen Circ - 2nd N BF411 .G37 1982 Gardner, Howard. Art education and human development / Howard Gardner. c1990. Goshen Circ - 2nd S N350 .G37 1990 Gardner, Howard. Artful scribbles : the significance of children's drawings / by Howard Gardner. c1980. Goshen Circ - 2nd N BF723.D7 G36
Gardner, Howard. Creating minds : an anatomy of creativity
seen through
the lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and
/ Howard Gardner. c1993.
Gardner, Howard. The arts and human development : a
psychological study
of the artistic process / Howard Gardner ; with a new introduction by
author. c1994.
Gardner, Howard. The disciplined mind : beyond facts and
tests, the K-12 education that every child deserves
Howard Gardner. 2000. Goshen Circ - 2nd
LB885.G37 W45 2000
Gaudelius, Yvonne and Speirs, Peg (Editors). Contemporary Issues in Art Education. 2001 Gardner, Howard. Frames of mind : the theory of multiple intelligences / Howard Gardner ; [with a new introduction by the author]. c1993. Gouma-Peterson, Thalia. Miriam Schapiro : shaping the fragments of art and life. New York : Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers in association with the Polk Museum of Art, 1999. N6537.S34 G68 1999 Greenburg, Pearl, Art and Ideas for Young People , N 350 G7.3 Hanks, Kurt, Draw : a visual approach to thinking, learning, and communicating. 1977. BF456.D7 H27 SUBJECTS: Drawing, Psychology of. Thought and thinking. Learning, Psychology of. Interpersonal communication. (noted in ch 6 of text) Hatfield, Thomas A. An Art Teacher in Every School. An art specialists guide to getting more help. Useful for classroom teachers who want like a break from doing everything. Hoffman, Donald H., Pearl Greenberg, Dale H. Fitzner. Lifelong Learning and the Visual Arts: A Book of Readings. 1980. N 85.L530x
of Pictures, Draughtsmen of Words.
Jalongo, Mary Renck. Teachers' stories : from personal narrative to professional insight. c1995. LB1029.B55 J35 SUBJECTS: Education--Biographical methods. Teaching--Case studies. (noted in ch 5 of text) Johnson, Andra, editor, Art Education: Elementary . 1992. Kaelin, E. F. An Aesthetics for Art Educators , 1989. N 88.3 .K34 Challenging. For those willing to work at understanding art in order to teach it. Kauppinen, Heta and Read Diket, editors, Trends in Art Education From Diverse Cultures . 1995. Kellogg, R. Analyzing Children's Art . 1970. (noted in ch 2 of text) Kepes, Gyorgy, ed., Education of Vision , N 7435 K4 top of this page Krone, Ann. Art Education for Handicapped Children . 1978. N 350 K7x
Lankford, E. Louis,
Issues and Inquiry.
1992. Explains theories and gives class
Lawson, Bryan.
think : the design process demystified.
Completely rev. 3rd
Oxford ; Boston : Architectural Press,
NK1510 .L4 1997
Linderman, Earl,
to Vision
N 71 L5.9
Lippard, Lucy R.
: new art in a multicultural America
N6537.5 .L5
Little, Bruce E., editor,
Art Education: An Anthology of Issues
. 1990.
London, Peter. Step Outside: Community-Based Art Education. 1994. top of this page Lowenfeld, Viktor and Lambert Brittain, Creative and Mental Growth , 4th ed. , N85 L6 Probably the best known art education book. Good treatment of children's developmental stages in art. Useful chapters on Creativity and Aesthetic Criteria . A good source of topics for subject matter motivation appropriate for each age. (noted in ch 2 of text) Manzella, David, Educationists and the Evisceration of the Visual Arts , N 350 M2.6 A very thought-provoking indictment. Must reading for anybody who feels he has the right methods of teaching art. A small book of only 97 pages. Probably started a revolution in art education. McFee, June, Creative Problem-Solving Abilities in Art of Academically Superior Adolescents , N 350 M3.1 Michael, John A., ed., Art Education in the Junior High School , N 350 M5. Moore, Ronald, editor, Aesthetics For Young People . 1995. 9 essays. Pappas, George, ed., Concepts in Art and Education
in discipline-based art education : a literature of educational reform.
Va. : National Art Education Assoc., c2000. N87 .R43
Paston, Herbert J., Learning to Teach Art , N 88.3 P37 A useful guide to observing, field teaching, and student teaching in art. Routman, Regie. Invitations : changing as teachers and learners K-12. c1991. SUBJECTS: Reading (Elementary)--United States--Language experience approach. (noted in ch 6 of text) Sawyer and deFrancesco, Elementary School Art for Classroom Teachers . Explains and gives example lessons of Creative-Evaluative teaching. The strategy involves: (1) setting up comparable contrasting qualities, (2) asking divergent questions (3) guided evaluation. Schwartz, Fred, Structure and Potential in Art Education Secondary Art Education, An Anthology of Issues, NAEA, 1990 Has 18 authors and 18 issues. Practical ideas and solutions to common problems. Saccardi, Marianne. Art in story : teaching art history to elementary school children. North Haven, Conn. : Linnet Professional Publications, 1997. N350 .S23 1997 Shahn, Ben, The Shape of Content . Chapter on the education of an artist. Simpson, Judith, et. al. Creating meaning through art : teacher as choice-maker. Upper Saddle River, NJ : Merrill, c1998. N88.3 .C74 1998
Smith, Nancy R., et. al.
and Art: Teaching Children to Paint
New York : Teachers
Columbia University,
N350 .S67
Smith, Nancy. Observation Drawing With Children. 1997 Smith, Ralph A., ed., Aesthetics and Criticism in Art Education , N 87 S 52 Smith, Ralph A., Excellence II: The Continuing Quest in Art Education. 1995. Susi, Frank D., Student Behavior in Art Classrooms: The Dynamics of Discipline . 1995. Teacher Resource Series. Gives causes, symtoms, prevention, and remedies for behavior problems. Thompson, Beatrice, Drawings by High School Students , N 352 T5.4 Tritten, Gottfried. Teaching color and form. New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1981. N87 .T7313 1981 Tufte, Edward R., Envisioning information . c1990. P93.5 .T84 SUBJECTS: Visual communication. Communication. (noted in ch 6 of text)
See this new reference set of over 30 volumes in the Reference Room of the Goshen College Library. It is a good place to start looking for information on most any artist. See Elementary Art textbooks in Good Library, lower level. A set of graded classroom art textbooks by Laura Chapman is recommended. Art Education . Covers major issues art in art education. Has teaching ideas and helps. Arts and Activities. Has teaching ideas and helps. top of this page Educational Leadership. See 1990, vol 48, issue 2, for "Learning Styles." See 1997, vol 54, issue 6, for "How Children Learn." (noted in text, ch 6) School Arts. Has teaching ideas and helps. The New Yorker see Art World Section. "The Escape Artist" by Calvin Tomkins in, Sept 28, 1998 pages 102 and 103 is an example about artist, Mark Rothko. Critique. This is a periodical of contemporary graphic design. A relevant article is: "Drawing Out the Modern Mind" by Betty Edwards, Autumn, 1997, pp 39-44 explains the R-mode/L-mode theory of the mind. "The modern mind achieves power by combining logic and intuition. And you can sharpen the perceptual skills that underlie intuition by strengthening your drawing skills." page 39. If this is a valid theory, it has serious implications for the way most teachers teach art in elementary schools. This is a constantly changing and growing source of new information for teaching art. Learn to use a search engine to find resources on virtually any artist, any topic, or even any way of teaching. For example: You can go to http://www. google. com OR http://www. metacrawler .com/ Type in art lessons then click the search button. It will find some advertisements for books of art lessons, but it will also point to some sites with art lessons posted by art teachers or universities. Here is an example of what you can find in a few minutes of searching: http://www.kinderart.com/drawing/blind.htm .
Contour line drawing
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These three examples are from Concord Junior High School. |
Body action drawing using ovals
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Contour line drawing
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