Teaching Assignment
Art for Children, Goshen College

.On the On the right is My Family
artist, age 3
This picture was made in a pre-school in Goshen, IN
The drawing on the left is a self portrait done by Charlie Lantz, grade 6. He made it as part of his third lesson taught in Field Teaching by Judy Rohrer, April, 1999. He had practiced both contour drawing and gesture drawing in the first two lessons. This drawing was done by a combination of gesture and contour methods while looking in a mirror.  A self-portrait of a famous artist was discussed after this drawing was done.

ART FOR CHILDREN, Art 309, © Marvin Bartel, Instructor
Goshen College Art Department, updated 10-02
Goshen College students may make a copy for their own use. Others need to E-mail for permission to publish any part of this document.

Check list of things to do.
Please see current Calendar for a dates for this schedule.
  1. Bring first draft lesson outline to class at 2 for group discussion and feedback.
  2. Bring revised lesson outline to class at 2 for group discussion and feedback.
  3. At least one week prior to first session, call parents and schedule the first session time and place.
  4. A few days before each session, gather materials and test everything to verify that you have everything needed and that everything works the way you expect it to.
  5. Teach three sessions. This may be three lessons or it may be one lesson taught during three sessions.  The three sessions must be three separate meeting times.
  6. Bring the child's artwork results to share with our class as they are completed.
  7. Return all artwork to child after sharing it with our class.
  8. Bring audio tapes cued to 1 or 3 minutes of teaching/learning dialogue.
  9. Final Reporting and Filling out Field Teaching evaluations
PLANNING THE LESSONS This assignment is to give you practice in planning and teaching one or more lessons like we are learning about this term.  The lesson(s) has Art History at the END and has the child do some planning and practice at the beginning.  In the middle, the child will create a product based on their own thinking and planning.  The product is limited and motivated by you so the child practices something not already fully known. The child should be asked to use some memory, imagination, and/or observation (not all three are required). We will use standard art materials (not food) as media.  You plan for subject matter that is of interest and appropriate for the development stage you are working with.

Review Planning Art Lessons , for a guide in planning. Study Sources of Art Lesson Ideas . You are encouraged to consult with other persons in our class. Thursday/Friday, (see calendar) , bring the plans for your three sessions. You will discuss your lesson plans with others teaching similar aged children. You will carefully assess each other's plans, offering each other alternatives and ways to change their lessons. In a few cases, you may decide to totally change your plan and do lessons similar to another person in your group. If you do, you can learn directly from each other's experience.

Tape record your sessions with the child.  This is required for this assignment.  You are required to listen to your own tape before completing the self-evaluation that you do after the lesson.  The instructor will not listen to the whole tape, but you will be asked to bring the tape to class and play a short sample to the class. You are asked to cue the tape to any short sample that you are willing to share with the class.

Teach one or more complete art lesson(s) as described in Planning Art Lessons during the three sessions. One lesson may be continued from session to session, or you may teach up to three lessons, but each lesson should contain all the parts of a lesson including ending connections with the world of art and connections between their art and everyday life. Begin teaching the lessons as soon as possible after you have had your pre-teaching discussions.

Check list of what to include in the three sessions Get acquainted time

ü Set up and explain need for tape recorder (explain that you are learning how to teach and need the tape to practice). Please do not bring defective equipment to this session. Test it before using it. Be sure it works. Listen to actual samples of a recording you make in a similar environment. Be sure you know its limitations. Extra batteries or a power supply and tape are part of your responsibility.

ü Interview your student about past artwork. Museum and gallery visits. Favorites. See what you can learn from the child.

Assemble materials

ü Before teaching, do all the activities yourself so you know for sure what you need and how it works, but do not show the child your work before the child has a chance to do it.

Preliminary Practice Time

ü Your student needs time to learn material, process, observation, imagination list, motivational activities, discuss topics (content) (subject matter), objectives, concepts, principles, elements, questions to answer visually, new vocabulary, and so on. Make connections to surroundings, to ordinary experiences, and/or to real feelings.

Creative Production of Main Project

ü Allow sufficient time or continue from session to session on this. When continuing from session to session, take time to review the motivation and preparation activities from prior sessions. Transfer of learning is rare unless we help make connections.


ü What was learned and accomplished in the practice and in the main project?

ü Review vocabulary.

ü Review connections to ordinary experiences, surroundings, and/or feelings.

Art History or Multicultural Connections

ü Relate a significant artist and/or art by drawing out the similarities to their own objectives, processes, subjects, and so on.

ü You may want to use the color laser (used to print your montage) to make a "take home" reproduction.
IMPORTANT: This kind of single copy of an image from a copyrighted source should be credited just like you would credit a direct quote as a source in a term paper. We do not want to plagiarize art work any more than we want to plagiarize written work.

ü As a teaching aide, you may want to make a form on which the child can write name of artist and descriptive terms (vocabulary).

How is this assignment assessed and graded?

  1. You will be able to tell about your preparation and lesson planning in our class.
  2. The child's artwork is shown in our class and you will tell about the experience.
  3. Your Self-Evaluation Form for the Field Teaching assignment is used.
  4. A small portion of your tape is played in class.

I Am Playing Tennis With My Father , boy, age 9, this is drawing based on actual memory experience.  The motivational question was, "What is something you did together with somebody else recently?"

Your Self-Evaluation Form for this Assignment

Art for Children Home
Assignments page
Sources of Art Lesson Ideas
Page called How to Plan Art Lessons
Sample Bartel Lessons

All rights reserved. This page © Marvin Bartel, instructor, 2000
Art for Children class members may print this for their own use. Others must e-mail for permission to reproduce or publish.
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