Visual arts

- Six concentration areas: Graphic design, production crafts, studio art, architecture, art therapy and curatorial studies

Preparing students for further study, independent studio work or a career in the arts

Creating in their own studio, helping others make sense of omnipresent media images, artists from a liberal arts background illuminate the human experience. As an art major, you'll produce and practice, studying traditional art–design, drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture-and the latest in digital media technology. You'll prepare for further study, independent studio work or employment. Choose concentrations in graphic design, teaching art, studio art, production crafts, pre-architecture, pre-curatorial studies (preparation for work in galleries and museums), or pre-art therapy. A minor in art, graphic design or multimedia communication enriches artistic skills or starts you toward a profession.

Internships and work-study

Internships are an integral piece of an art major's education. Placements working alongside graphic designers, potters, teachers, and many others show students what a career is truly like. Internships often lead directly and indirectly into employment after graduation.Work-study positions allow students earlier in their college career to see how a school and studio function. These positions provide education as well as a wage. Visit career services for further information about internships.


We offer a juried award, the Raymond A. Yoder Art Scholarship, to third- and fourth-year students.

Eric Yake Kenagy Visiting Artist Program

Sculptor Ruth Duckworth, ceramists Paul Soldner and Toshika Takaezu, painters Jaune Quick-to-See Smith and Miriam Schapiro, graphic designer Kenneth Hiebert and other renowned artists have come to campus in recent years to address art classes, present public programs and display their work. Visiting artist Web page.

Art department news, announcements and events

Photo album: Arts in London (May term)


Location: Visual Arts Building
Fax: (574) 535-7660
Ph: (574) 535-7595

John Blosser,
Department Chairman

Alumni profiles

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