Updated 6 April 05
- Purpose: To develop skills necessary for the correct
interpretation of media coverage of stories and events dealing
with infectious disease.
- How: By Monday, March 7 find 2 articles in
the popular press dealing with an infectious disease. These articles
may come from print or electronic newspapers, magazines or from
television. Hand in copies of the articles you have selected,
in the case of television coverage provide a video tape (VHS)
of the news stories (not documentary programs). The articles
may be from different sources dealing with the same story or
from the same source where one is the followup story to the other.
These materials must be identified and a brief proposal prepared
and submitted by Friday, March 16. The project will be written
in two parts:
- PART 1: On no less than 4 double space printed pages:
- Describe the life-history of the infectious agent featured
in the stories.
- Describe the clinical disease caused by the agent.
- Describe current methods used to diagnose this disease in
the field or hospital.
- Describe methods of treating this disease, these may be conventional
or non- conventional treatments (ie. homeopathy, naturopathy
- but they must be specific treatments for the disease in question.)
- Describe the current status of this disease in endemic areas.
- You may use information gathered from the text, Internet,
or other sources to complete Part I.
- Reference and list sources of information.
- PART 2: Given what you have learned in class and in
researching this project, write a "biologically enhanced"
version, between 300 and 400 words, of the story you have selected
as you would like to see it in the popular media.
- Submitt the completed project to include copies of the articles,
Part 1, and Part 2. Be prepared to give a 5-7 minute summary
of your learnings in class on April 8.
Students who elect this option will work in collaborative groups
of 3 or 4 to research and design the content of a web page focusing
on a significant infectious disease. See previous projects as
a models for this option. If more than one group is interested
in the same topic, each group could develop a subsection of a
larger project.
Assignments for groups
- By March 7 form a group, agree on an assignment, and identify
roles (may be rotated) for group members (coordinator, secretary,
etc). Identify a weekly meeting time for the group. The secretary
will take brief notes and e-mail them to the instructor.
- By March 16 outline topic, gather information (2-4 text articles
and 3-5 web links), and send an e-mail message to the instructor
that includes an updated title, list of e-mail addresses and
roles of members, topic outline, and reference list.
- By April 6 complete your web page text, illustrations, and
links. Make an appointment to go over the page with the instructor.
Make any suggested changes and be prepared to show the page to
the class on April 8.
Instructions for making a webreport.
- Make a folder with a unique name (disease, etc.).
- Place your files of webpages (name.html) and photos (name.jepg
or name.gif) within the folder.
- Insert photos from this folder into the webpages.
- Open the final version of of your first webpage via a browser
(File/Open File) to confirm proper form.
- Send me the complete folder after you know it is working
from this local folder.
Note: It may be difficult to convert a Word document directly
to a correctly formatted .html file. Special punctuation and other
booby traps will cause you lots of grief. It may be best to copy
and paste into a webeditor and proof read very carefully.
A team of 2 -3 students may propose an experimental project
for consideration. This should be discussed with the instructor
by March 7. The experimental part of this project is to be completed
by April 1 and a report presentation for class by April 8.
PROJECTS DUE by April 8. Projects handed in after April
13 will lose 5%/day.
See the previous completed projects via links on the Micro
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