
Updated 6 April 05



Students who elect this option will work in collaborative groups of 3 or 4 to research and design the content of a web page focusing on a significant infectious disease. See previous projects as a models for this option. If more than one group is interested in the same topic, each group could develop a subsection of a larger project.

Assignments for groups

Instructions for making a webreport.

Note: It may be difficult to convert a Word document directly to a correctly formatted .html file. Special punctuation and other booby traps will cause you lots of grief. It may be best to copy and paste into a webeditor and proof read very carefully.


A team of 2 -3 students may propose an experimental project for consideration. This should be discussed with the instructor by March 7. The experimental part of this project is to be completed by April 1 and a report presentation for class by April 8.

PROJECTS DUE by April 8. Projects handed in after April 13 will lose 5%/day.

See the previous completed projects via links on the Micro Page.

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