Sunday May 5, 2019

It is a tradition for Goshen College groups to go to the local Baptist Church by the station and sing hymns. Saturday night we had a mini rehearsal and figured out the strengths and weaknesses musically of our group. We definitely struggled at the beginning! However, by Sunday morning we had 3 hymns from the old red hymnal that we sang for the church Sunday morning. After the service, we went to a restaurant in Marathon, a key 30 mins South of Layton. After lunch, we continued our journey down the keys to Key West, the southern most point of the keys. Here we were free to explore the place on our own and be tourists from Ohio (Ryan Sensenig’s favorite type of tourist). The culture of Key West was something some of us were not very used to. There were some questionable t-shirts and knick-knacks. We also had the chance to walk down some streets of the residential area of Key West and saw Truman’s Little White House! We found a park by the water front and had fun cooling our feet at a splash pad. We also had many discussions and marveled at a couple of cruise ships that we saw docked. It was really nice to be able to have a day to relax from our busy weekdays.
– Ariana Perez Diener, Environmental & Marine Science, 2021