Monday May 6, 2019
The day began with a discussion on how the scientific method is designed to remove our bias (albeit never completely). We also discussed how to go about designing a smart, efficient experiment in order to attempt to eliminate our bias that would have otherwise affected potential results.
The rest of the morning was spent in our research groups formulating the first sections of our research paper and figuring out all the materials and methods associated! After a hasty lunch, we piled up in the van and two rental vehicles and took an hour ride to the Mote Marine International Center for Coral Research and Restoration. We were given a tour around the facility and given a sneak peak into the day-to-day lives of several Ph.D. researchers and the work they do such as coral genetics research and general restoration.
We restocked on groceries on the way back to the station and spent the rest of the afternoon/evening finishing up our initial proposal presentations that took place in the evening. Following another delicious meal and last second hasty edits to our presentations, we all headed downstairs to the lab! All groups presented their research proposals and received constructive feedback from their professors and peers. Let the research projects commence!
– Thomas Schlabach, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, 2020