Tuesday May 20th, 2014
We woke up at 7:30 a.m. for our breakfast and after it we went to our various projects groups for data analysis. Tonight we shall be presenting our projects and so every group is rushing to complete their data analysis. At 10:00 a.m. as other days we went for our tea break and came back at 11 a.m. when we met with Ryan Sensenig for some discussions on the expected final exam tomorrow.
We also received back our practical exam results from Donna Sensenig. After the discussion we continued with the analysis until 1PM when we went for our lunch and came back to our analysis as Ryan also assisted the groups in addressing some critical data analysis questions that arose. We experienced some rain showers at around 5-6 p.m. Data analysis continued up to dinner time – 7:30 p.m. Dinner was a bit late until 7:45 pm when we started serving and by 8:40 p.m. our presentations started. All groups presented and all went well. Presentation ended at 10:45 p.m. an we were all tired after a full day!
– Kennedy Njeru, University of Nairobi, Range Science, 2016
(Editor’s note: the students did a wonderful job in pulling together data for their research projects and final posters. We found some very interesting things related to how fire and grazing affects grass composition, how grazers of varying body sizes use old boma sites/glades, how fire affects ant densities in swollen thorns, and how ants evacuate from fires when sensing smoke! All of these findings make a grassland ecologist proud! RLS)