The cultures of Ecuador can be hidden by bustling urban cities such as Quito or being with a large group of people who speak your own language. In the last three days we have had opportunities to work past this barrier and learn about the different urban and indigenous cultures of Ecuador. Our first exposure to the different beliefs and ideas was when we were able to be surrounded by the different tools, art, and clothing in the Museo Mindalae.
Our second opportunity has been the ability to talk to people of Ecuador. One of those people has been Fede (short for Federico), the grandson of a Cofán woman and a man from the States whose parents were missionaries. As we hiked along Rucu Pichincha, a couple of us were fortunate to have the chance to talk with him and his wife Emmy about race and legalities of how Indigenous people can use their land. This has been a great start to our learning journey in Ecuador and can’t wait for more.
By Suzanna Robling Griest