Experience Living on Campus

Goshen College offers a variety of housing options for students which includes traditional Residence Halls, Apartments, and Intentional Living Community Houses. Campus housing is available for students enrolled full-time and younger than 25 years of age. We consider the residential experience a vital part of the education we offer. We believe students who live on campus have the greatest opportunities for learning and growth by living in close proximity to their peers and also having easy access to campus activities, services, and facilities.
Options and Requirements
The standards held by Goshen College are based on Christian ideals, educational goals, expectations needed for compatible group living, and guidelines needed to ensure proper care of the housing facilities. Certain regulations are necessary to protect the rights of the individual while others are designed to protect the community.
Attendance at Goshen College is a privilege and carries with it the obligation to observe college regulations. While attending Goshen College, a student is subject to the laws of Indiana as well as those of the local community outside of the campus. Campus housing is an integral part of campus life and contributes in many ways to the education students receive.
All full-time students enrolled at GC who graduated high school in 2019 or before must live in campus housing unless they meet one of these exemptions:
- Have 112 + credit hours
- Turn 23 years before to Dec. 31
- Live at home with parents/guardians or an older sibling.
Students who graduated high school in 2020 or after will be required to live in campus housing unless they meet any of the following exemptions:
- 4 years removed from high school
- Turn 23 years old before Dec. 31
- Registered as a part-time student
- Live at home with parents/guardians or spouse within 30 miles from campus
Full restitution of applicable room and board fees will be expected if students attempt to bypass residency requirements.
What should I do if I plan to live off-campus next semester?
If you are qualified to live off-campus you will need to fill out our “Off-Campus Housing Confirmation” to confirm your eligibility. You may also submit an exemption request if you are not yet eligible to live off-campus but wish to due to extenuating circumstances.
What are the cost and price differences for each housing space on campus?
Information about pricing for housing and meal plans can be found on the Financial Aid webpage.
Is there a discount for certain students who live on campus?
Undergraduate students who have earned 112 Credits or more before July 1st, 2025 or turn 23 years-of-age by Dec. 31st, 2025 will qualify for a 30% bridge discount for the 2025-26 school year and will not be required to purchase a meal plan. Students must complete the Bridge Discount Application Form on the Residence Life homepage to confirm eligibility. Students who graduated high school in 2020 or later will not be eligible for a bridge discount.
Which living spaces on campus are ADA handicap accessible?
Kratz Hall, Miller, Hall, Yoder Hall, and Romero Student Apartments feature elevators and ADA accessibility. Kulp Hall and Coffman Hall do not have elevators or wheelchair ramps to enter the building for floors.
Am I required to have a meal plan?
All students living on campus and not eligible for the bridge discount are required to have a meal plan. Students who graduated from high school less than two years ago must maintain a Carte Blanche (unlimited) meal plan. Students who graduated from high school two or more years ago are eligible for the 90-block, 65-block, or the Carte Blanche plans. Each meal plan comes with Munch Money credit (amount varies) that can be used for meals at the Westlawn Dining Hall, Leaf Raker (Union), or Java Junction (Connector).
Can I room with an incoming transfer student next year?
Yes, provided the incoming transfer has already been admitted to Goshen College at the time of your room application for the fall and has been assigned a student ID number. You will need to acquire that information from the incoming transfer along with their permission to assign them a room with you.
Intentional Living Communities (ILC)
The ILC application process involves self-selected groups completing an online application and demonstrating a proposed Intentional Living Community theme for their housing group. ILC Applications are evaluated by Residence Life. Houses are awarded based on meeting capacity requirements, classification (Jr/Sr), group GPA, past standards compliance, campus involvement, and presenting an achievable theme as part of their group application. Students who graduated from high school at least two years prior to the first day of classes are eligible to apply to live in an ILC.
Is there a gender ratio requirement for co-ed living spaces in ILC?
No, however, if your group has a proportionately imbalanced gender ratio you should recognize the challenges and demonstrate in your application why and how it will work for your group. It must also be noted that the gender ratios for co-ed groups must be congruent with the desired house’s bedroom configuration. For example, Kenwood House features five double rooms. Men and women cannot share a room; therefore the male/female breakdown would need to be 6-4 if your group is at capacity.
I will be a second-year student (sophomore) in the fall with enough credits to be considered a junior—am I eligible to live in Romero Student Apartments or an Intentional Living Community house?
No, you must be at least two-years removed from your high school graduation date at the start of the Fall semester to qualify for Junior/Senior housing options. Traditional first or second-year students, regardless of credit hours, must choose a space in Kratz, Miller or Yoder Hall.

Romero Student Apartments
Returning students planning to live in the Romero Student Apartments can self-select groups and reserve an apartment through an online application process. Students who graduated from high school at least two years prior to the first day of classes are eligible to live in Romero.
I’m planning to get married this summer and would like to live in the Romero Student Apartments this fall, am I eligible to do so?
For a married couple to be eligible for the Romero Apartments they must: (1) be 24-years old or under, (2) both spouses must be enrolled for a minimum of 12 credit hours in the fall semester, (3) pay the same housing costs as other residential students, and (4) must maintain all college furnishings in the provided apartment.
Residence Halls
Kratz/Miller/Yoder (KMY) Residence Halls are where all students in their first and second year out of high school live. Kulp Hall is an upperclassmen residence hall and students must be two-years removed from high school to be eligible. Students living in KMY are typically assigned a roommate. Single rooms will be available for an additional fee, if space allows.
I am living in Kratz/Miller/Yoder next year and would prefer not to have a traditional meal plan, but instead a block plan similar to students living in the apartments or Intentional Living Communities, can I do this?
All students in their first two years after graduating from high school are required to be on a Carte Blanche meal plan, regardless of their campus housing assignment.
Room Change Policy
Returning students may choose roommates during the room selection application process in the spring. Students without a chosen roommate may sign-up alone in the KMY residence halls provided they are open to being assigned a roommate by Residence Life. Room change applications will be made available in mid-October for those seeking a change for the spring semester. Room changes mid-semester are discouraged and will only be honored in extraordinary circumstances. Residence Life will be available to offer assistance and ultimately approve any changes. A $25 administrative fee will be charged for any room change request approved by Residence Life. The fee is increased to $100 for all requests made after the Thanksgiving Day holiday break.