Career counseling
Career counseling involves many things, from helping a student select their academic major to assisting him or her choose between employment and full-time service after graduation. Career assessments can also be administered during these sessions.
Internships, work & service opportunities
In addition to maintaining the GC online job & internship bank (available to all students and alumni), we have made personal contacts with many organizations offering employment, internship, and service opportunities. Mennonite organizations in particular often come to campus to recruit students.
Interview preparation
Students can schedule a practice interview where they answer interview questions in a one-on-one session and receive immediate feedback. Additionally, each semester we offer an event called Super Tuesday, when students can participate in a practice interview by area professionals.
Résumé & cover letter writing
The career services office assists students in creating or fine-tuning a résumé or cover letter. In addition, students can have their resume reviewed during our Super Tuesday event.
Workshops & seminars
Workshops are offered to all students throughout the year. Topics include résumé & cover letter writing, interviewing, networking, and applying to graduate school.
Web site
The career services web site is extensive and informative. Students, parents, and alumni can gain much information about career development and preparation by using this resource.