Minor in health
21 credit hours
- Choose one physiology class:4
- Biol 130, Organismal Biology
- Biol 203, Human Anatomy & Physiology I
- Chem 220, Human Nutrition (Chem prerequisite) 3
- Kin 102, First Aid and CPR 1
- Kin 103, Basic Athletic Training 2
- *Kin 360, Teaching Health Concepts 3
- *Kin 415, School and Community Health 3
- *Kin 420, Health Practicum 2
- Soc 260, Human Sexuality 3
*Offered every other year
Student learning outcomes
Graduates with a health minor will:
- Describe and apply basic principles of fitness, health, human anatomy and physiology.
- Demonstrate knowledge and competencies in first aid, CPR, and athletic training.
- Demonstrate a basic understanding of public health, including community health organizations, health literacy, risk behaviors, disease, drug use, mental health issues, and nutrition.
- Demonstrate the ability to promote and teach health concepts.
- Demonstrate professional ethical leadership behavior and skills: attire, communication, relationships, responsibility, initiative, and the ability to empower others.
Advising notes
Chemistry prerequisite required for both Biol 203 and Chem 220. Recommended elective courses: Kin 400, Exercise Prescription and Psyc 200, Social Psychology.