Adult and Continuing Studies


The Dean’s Office administers several degree programs designed for non-traditional students. Our adult programs reflect the distinctive Goshen College standards of excellence, in a friendly environment of professional support. Graduate degree programs are described in a separate graduate programs catalog.

Four undergraduate degree-completion programs are offered:

In addition, there are three licensure preparation programs:

  • Transition to Interpreting program is available for those interested in earning a license as an American Sign Language Interpreter who have already earned a bachelor’s degree.
  • Transition to Teaching program is available as an alternative teacher certification path for students who have already earned a bachelor’s degree in a licensed content area.
  • English Learners licensure add-on is also available for certified teachers who already hold a professional educator’s license in another content area.

Admission information and program structure

Degree completion programs

Degree completion programs are designed for adult learners who are working full-time. Classes typically meet once or twice a week in the evening hours or online. Graduates must earn a total of 120 credit hours with the minimum GPA requirements for completion varying based on the program. Admission and registration processes are completed through the Admissions Office.

Business Management prerequisites
  • At least 12 college credits earned from an accredited institution
  • A cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher in prior academic work
  • An Associate of Arts or Science degree is preferred. Core requirements for students without an A.A. or A.S. degree or fewer than 60 credits:
    • English composition II (or equivalent)
    • Literature, fine arts or foreign language class
    • Natural science (biology, chemistry, or physics)
    • Social science (anthropology, economics, psychology, or sociology)
    • History or political science
Social Work prerequisites
  • Three to five years of significant life or work experience
  • Approximately 60 credit hours of college coursework completed in an accredited program. An Associate of Arts or Science degree is preferred. Minimum general education prerequisites for students without an A.A. or A.S. degree:
    • English composition II (or equivalent)
    • Literature, fine arts or foreign language class
    • Natural science (biology, chemistry, or physics)
    • Social science (anthropology, economics, psychology, or sociology)
    • History or political science
  • Prior coursework for the social work major should include the following courses (or equivalent):
    • General Psychology
    • Abnormal Psychology
    • Principles of Sociology
    • Sociology of the Family
    • Race, Class & Ethnic Relations
    • Human Behavior
    • Introduction to Social Work
    • Social Service Field Experience
    • A social service course focused on the needs of children, families, or women
  • At least a C (2.0) cumulative grade point average in all prior college course work

Transition to Interpreting program

Transition to Interpreting (TtI) candidates must have completed an undergraduate degree in their field with at least a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) to be eligible for this program. Competency in ASL will be determined by a placement test and/or coursework. Additional coursework in ASL may be a prerequisite for admission.

Transition to Teaching program

Transition to Teaching (TtT) candidates must have completed an undergraduate degree in their field with at least a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) to be eligible for this program, based on Indiana state law. An assessment of content knowledge and skills will be completed for each candidate by the Goshen College licensure advisor before entering the program. Additional coursework may be a prerequisite for admission. Education courses listed for two credit hours are taught jointly with three-credit hour courses. TtT students pay for only two credit hours. Field experience is required for most classes. Elementary licensure requires 24 credit hours of education courses. Secondary licensure for grades 5-12 requires 18 credit hours. All-grade licensure for P-12 in music, physical education, or visual arts has additional requirements.


Due to the concentrated scheduling and the emphasis upon participatory learning, having two absences in classes that meet once per week is considered missing too much class to continue. After two absences, explained or unexplained, a student may be un-enrolled from a course. Program Directors will work with the student to make a plan to continue in the program that the student is pursuing, but the student will be required to make up the course. A student may contact the instructor in advance to work out an alternate plan for missed work, but missing class should be a rare occurrence. Both absence and tardiness constitute breaches of the attendance policy.

Faculty members are given the flexibility to establish stricter attendance policies in their classes with written guidelines distributed to students the first night of a class.

Students who exhibit a pattern of absenteeism in the program are subject to dismissal, pending review by the program director.

Dean’s list

Undergraduate students in the adult programs who are carrying a course load of 12 hours or more, who earn a 3.7 or higher grade point average, will be included in the Goshen College Dean’s List for the term in which they received this grade point average. The list is reported in May and December.

Incomplete grades

A grade of I (incomplete) may be given for illness, accident, or other unusual hardship beyond the student’s control. Students may carry only one course with a grade of Incomplete. A contract available from the registrar’s office webpage is initiated by the student and includes a rationale, completion plan, professor’s signature of approval, letter grade to be given if the contract is not completed, and the signature of the program director (instead of academic dean signature required for traditional program students). The completed contract must be submitted to the program director by the last day of class. Completion date is normally six weeks after the final exam due date or the last day of the current six-month term. If a new grade is not submitted by these deadlines, the program director will notify the registrar’s office to enter the letter grade indicated on the contract. The new grade is used to complete the grade point average. If the Incomplete grade becomes an F, the student must retake the course and pay the current tuition rate in effect when enrolled in the course a second time.

Credit for Prior Learning

Students may earn up to 20 credit hours for prior learning that has taken place outside of the classroom –  in the workplace or in other settings. Credit earned through prior learning assessment can be applied to required courses in the major or to electives. Students who have already earned a minimum of 20 credit hours and enrolled in a participating adult degree-completion program at Goshen College are eligible.

Opportunities for documenting additional credit hours

  • Students may also transfer up to 20 credits from their military service for courses that are comparable in content to courses offered at a liberal arts college.
  • A maximum of 12 hours of credit may be accepted for technical or skills-oriented courses from vocational training programs in technical schools, community colleges, or Bible institutes.
  • Credits can also be obtained using DANTES and CLEP tests. Goshen College is a test center for both exam programs.

Inclement weather

In the case of inclement weather or other emergencies, it may be necessary to shift face-to-face classes to remote learning. Goshen College will notify students by GC email if the campus is closed and therefore a face-to-face class will be shifted to remote learning.


Degree completion programs
Refund of tuition for degree completion students is made on the basis of classes completed in the respective course at the time a student is withdrawn or has notified the Dean’s Office that they are withdrawing. A student will be charged again for any course that is retaken. The weekly tuition refund schedule for the year-round calendar is posted in the Accounting Office and at

The date of withdrawal shall be the date on which the drop/add slip is completed and the student indicates future plans in writing (forms are available in the Registrar’s Office). If a student has paid for an entire term and withdraws at the end of a course, the tuition for the remaining courses will be refunded in full. If a student withdraws prior to week two, the tuition for that course will be refunded in full.


Course withdrawal before the second class night shows no record on the student transcript. Withdrawal with a grade of “W” is possible only before the fourth night (for 7-week courses) or the ninth week (for 15-week courses). Withdrawal after that time results in failure of the course and will be reflected as an “FW” on the transcript.

Commitment to community standards

Members of the Goshen College community are expected to demonstrate individual responsibility in showing consideration for the beliefs and feelings of others; abiding by federal, state, and local laws; and by demonstrating exemplary conduct. When a student’s behavior has implications for others, there is cause for institutional involvement. See the Student Life section of this catalog for the code of conduct.

Food services

Campus dining service seeks to meet the food needs of all students with a variety of gourmet, fresh and local foods. A quick lunch is available at the Leaf Raker snack shop, drinks, and snacks at the student-run Java Junction coffee bar. Munch Money can be purchased and applied to the student ID card and used as a debit card for tax-free food purchases.

Student services

Students in adult programs have access to a variety of student services. All students have access to the Good Library, career networks, campus ministries, a membership at the Recreation/Fitness Center, free admission to all athletic events, and discounted prices at the Goshen College Music Center. The program in which a student is enrolled determines which other services a student has available. Campus housing is not available to students in adult programs.