LEAD Seminar Faculty
Promoting Renewal for Diversity Educators and others who lead for Equity in Education
Online Registration – Registration closes Friday, June 22, 2012
The facilitators and presenters for LEAD include educators and reformers with experience in a wide variety of contexts in K-12 systems, higher education, and corporate diversity training.

Dr. Ross Peterson-Veatch, LEAD Coordinator
Dr. Peterson-Veatch is the Associate Academic Dean at Goshen College, where he teaches undergraduate courses in Race and Culture. At Goshen he is also the Director of Curriculum, Teaching and Faculty Development at the Center for Intercultural Teaching and Learning (CITL), and will begin in Winter of 2013 as Academic Director of the Master’s program in Intercultural Leadership. He holds a Ph.D. in Folklore from Indiana University, is a former high school and university Spanish teacher, instructional coach and school transformation coach and held faculty positions at Earlham College and Indiana University before coming to Goshen. He is also a national facilitator with the School Reform Initiative and his research interests include intercultural leadership, equity in education, transformative adult learning, and higher education administration.

Dr. Rebecca Hernandez, LEAD Facilitator
Dr. Hernandez serves as the Director of CITL at Goshen College. CITL works to understand how small liberal arts colleges can best serve the educational needs of rapidly increasing Latino immigrant populations through access opportunities, curriculum innovation and research. Goshen College is utilizing these learnings to better enroll and retain other students of color. Dr. Hernandez has been working on Latino issues throughout her career. She will begin in Winter of 2013 as Administrative Director of the Master’s program in Intercultural Leadership at CITL. Dr. Hernandez holds a Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Science and has worked in schools, community organizations and higher education. She has held faculty appointments at Oregon State University and at Oregon Health and Sciences University, School of Nursing, before coming to Goshen College.