Are you looking for an expert?
Below are faculty members that you can contact to speak with about an area of their expertise.
- Fair Allocation (David Housman)
- Accounting (Michelle Horning)
- Economics (Jerrell Richer)
- Video Production (Kyle Hufford)
- Film industry (Kyle Hufford)
- Social Media Design Using Technology in education (Kyle Hufford)
- Radio and Music industry (Jason Samuel)
- Journalism practice (Duane Stoltzfus)
- Journalism ethics (Duane Stoltzfus)
- Journalism history (Duane Stoltzfus)
- Tallgrass prairie restoration (Ryan Sensenig)
- Climate change and Creation Care (Ryan Sensenig)
- Fire and grazing ecology (Ryan Sensenig)
- Savanna ecology (Ryan Sensenig)
- Composting (Lewis Naylor)
- Vermiculture (Lewis Naylor)
- Marine Biology (Duane Kauffman) (Ryan Sensenig)
- Pollination Biology and Decline of Pollinator Species (Andrew Ammons)
- Beekeeping and Honey Bee Biology (Andrew Ammons)
- Insect Taxonomy/Identification/Ecology (Andrew Ammons)
- Energy Conservation (Glenn Gilbert)
- Native landscaping (Glenn Gilbert)
- Erosion, sedimentation, and pollutant transport in local streams (Tom Hartzell)
- ePortfolios (Jonathon Schramm)
- Professional learning communities in education (Jonathon Schramm)
- Personal development and organizational learning (Jonathon Schramm)
- Academic and intercultural leadership (Jonathon Schramm)
- College Pedagogy (Teaching and Learning) (Jonathon Schramm)
- Using Technology in education (Kyle Hufford)
- Psychology of Learning (Amanda Sensenig)
Fine Arts
- Ceramics and clay work (Merrill Kraybill)
- Photography (Merrill Kraybill)
- Printmaking (Randy Horst)
Global Issues
- African History (Jan Bender Shetler)
- East Africa (Jan Bender Shetler)
- Tanzania (Jan Bender Shetler)
- Ethiopia (Jan Bender Shetler)
- African issues of identity/ethnicity, gender, peace, environment, parks, community development, oral history (Jan Bender Shetler)
- Immigration/Migration history to Elkhart County (Jan Bender Shetler)
- Andean culture and music (Nayo Ulloa)
- Aging (Kris Schmidt)
- General nursing (Ruth Stoltzfus)
- Representations of stillbirth and traumatic birth (Jessica Baldanzi)
- General cancer pathology and treatment (Joyce Hoffman)
- Stress management (Joyce Hoffman)
- Respiratory diseases and treatment (Joyce Hoffman)
- Diabetes care (Joyce Hoffman)
- Hypertension (Joyce Hoffman)
- Coronary artery disease (Joyce Hoffman)
Congestive heart failure and peripheral vascular disorders and treatment (Joyce Hoffman) - Renal disorders and treatment (Joyce Hoffman)
- The surgical process (Joyce Hoffman)
- Muscular-skeletal disorders and treatment (Joyce Hoffman)
- Autoimmune disease and treatment (Joyce Hoffman)
- Stroke care (Joyce Hoffman)
Gastrointestinal disorders and treatment (Joyce Hoffman) - Gerontology (aging) (Joyce Hoffman)
- Healthcare Ethics (Brenda Srof)
- Indiana folklore (Jonathon Schramm)
- Colonial Latin American ethnography (Jonathon Schramm)
- Public History and collaboration with local museums and archives (Jan Bender Shetler)
- Immigration/Migration history to Elkhart County (Jan Bender Shetler)
Languages and Literature
- American literature (1900 to the present) (Jessica Baldanzi)
- Graphic novels/narratives (Jessica Baldanzi)
- Science and literature (esp. eugenics and genetics) (Jessica Baldanzi)
- Cultural studies (Jessica Baldanzi)
- Creative nonfiction (Jessica Baldanzi)
- French (Kathleen Massanari)
- American Sign Language (Colleen Geier)
- Creative Writing (Ann Hostetler)
- Mennonite Literature (Ann Hostetler)
- Andean culture and music (Nayo Ulloa)
- Immigration/Migration history to Elkhart County (Jan Bender Shetler)
- Immigration (history, trends, patterns, some contemporary developments) (Steve Nolt)
- Social Psychology (Julia Reese)(Amanda Sensenig)
- Personality Theory (Julia Reese)
- Experimental Psychology (Julia Reese) (Amanda Sensenig)
- Psychology of Humor (Amanda Sensenig)
- Anabaptist & Mennonite history (John D. Roth)
- Global Anabaptist-Mennonite church (John D. Roth)
- Mennonite theology (peace) and practice (John D. Roth)
- Mennonite Literature (Ann Hostetler)
- Evangelical Christian perspectives on creation care (Jonathon Schramm)
- Evolution and theology (Ryan Sensenig)
- Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physiology (Neil Detweiler)
- Using Technology in education (Kyle Hufford)
- Beekeeping and Honey Bee Biology (Andrew Ammons)
- Insect Taxonomy/Identification/Ecology (Andrew Ammons)
- Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology (Andrew Ammons)
- Genetic Mapping and QTL Mapping (Andrew Ammons)
- Spiders and Other Non-insect Arthropods (Andrew Ammons)
- Pollination Biology and Decline of Pollinator Species (Andrew Ammons)
- Mathematics (David Housman)
- Game Theory (David Housman)
- Fair Allocation (David Housman)
- Science and literature (eugenics and genetics) (Jessica Baldanzi)
- Ethnography (writing about culture) and ethnographic methods (Jonathon Schramm)
- Gender studies (Jessica Baldanzi)
- African History (Jan Bender Shetler)
- East Africa (Jan Bender Shetler)
- Tanzania (Jan Bender Shetler)
- Ethiopia (Jan Bender Shetler)
- African issues of identity/ethnicity, gender, peace, environment, parks, community development, oral history (Jan Bender Shetler)
- Immigration/Migration history to Elkhart County (Jan Bender Shetler)
- Deaf Culture, education, advocacy (Colleen Geier)