As the Lenten season begins, Goshen College will again offer and online resource to help believers make time and space in their hearts and minds to reflect during the season of Lent.
Beginning Feb. 26 (Ash Wednesday) and culminating on April 12 (Easter), Goshen College students, faculty and staff will provide weekday reflections based on the upcoming Sunday’s lectionary Scripture passages, available online at www.goshen.edu/devotions, or by subscribing to the daily email.
Writers will reflect on the theme: “Show us” from Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada worship resources. Writers will provide three devotions weekly, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
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Lent is a time to slow down and breathe in the life of Jesus. It is a long and difficult journey to the cross, but if we pay careful attention Jesus shows us who he is. In the Scriptures this year for Lent, the theme of “Show us” arises. At different points in the story, Jesus invites us into a deeper understanding or relationship with him. Our hearts and minds must remain open and we say to Jesus, “show us.” We desire for Jesus to show us who he is and who we are. Whether it’s a way forward through the desert, a way to overcome temptation, the extent of God’s love, or the power to overcome death, Jesus wants to show us.
The devotions will reflect honestly on the Scriptures and offer words of assurances of faith. The spiritual offerings will include poetry, personal stories, reflections and prayers, all intended to more closely examine the call to change and follow Christ.
Since 2001, Goshen College annually celebrates special seasons of the church calendar, particularly Advent and Lent, with online devotions.